Boot fails at times

cfourkays Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
edited August 2023 in 2019 Archives
I'd like to reference this thread:

The problem is intermittent. I thought I had it solved after installing the 8.0, followed by the update to 8.1.
Did all 153 MS updates. Did all Acer updates.
Pc shut down and booted back with no problem.

Went to check out this AM before returning to owner and had the now dreaded Boot Manager boot failed, followed by another attempt which gave me the 0x0000185 error, followed by the policy warning.
Like back to square 1.
Just tried it again and this time booted normally.
Hard drive? Motherboard? Memory?
Tested all these when PC was just running and all test OK.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 44,840 Trailblazer
    You might want to try a free ssd/hdd  checker like crystaldiskinfo to see if it picks up anything. You could also run Microsoft's system file checker from the command prompt for fixing errors  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • cfourkays
    cfourkays Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
    I think I found the problem.
    I don't know why I avoided the HD. I think the different failure indicators took me away from the HD.
    A simple boot failure in the beginning might have saved me the aggravation.
    Thanks for keeping up with me, Jack.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 44,840 Trailblazer
    >>>I think I found the problem.>>>

    So what do you think it is? Loose, dirty or corroded connectors? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • cfourkays
    cfourkays Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
    No. Removed the HD and it tests bad. Replaced with new HD I cloned and super fast start, back to normal.
    Only "big" problem I have is keyboard doesn't work.
    The large ribbon cable that goes from the keyboard to the mobo won't connect. When I disconnected it to get at the mobo, I tiny stip of black plastic fell out. I can't get it to stay in and that's the keyboard function. Everything else works.
    Whoever designed this model either did not figure that any components would ever be replaced or was a slim fingered sadist.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 44,840 Trailblazer
    >>>I tiny stip of black plastic fell out. I can't get it to stay in and that's the keyboard function. >>>

    Affixing the ribbon cable to the mainboard connector is one of the reasons why scotch tape was invented.  :)   Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ