Acer Aspire 5517 CPU/Processor Location

PotatoSack Member Posts: 4 New User
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
Hello everybody! This may end up as a copied question but I noticed there were sections to post about computers, legacy in my case. If you can delete that old topic in members lounge (I think?) please do, I don't want to double post

Now, all I need to know (for now, maybe.) is where the processor/cpu is. Now, I bet when it's opened from the top it'll be there, seeing as how an upside down processor doesn't make sense.
Or may I have to open it from the bottom? I've seen a video about opening the same exact laptop as mine but it didn't exactly show where it was, so I'm diving into Acer, the one who created this laptop!


Do I open from the top to find the processor?
Or the bottom?

Or sadly both  :/


Best Answer
