New family member..❤

V4RM4 Member Posts: 25 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
Hi everyone,
Firstly, wow, there's an official and a dedicated community for Predator, that is actually active. 👏👏
So, after a lot of personal research, I bought the Acer Predator Helios 500 (PH517-51) and I love it.
Haven't had any major Windows updates or any updates for that matter, and everything shows updated.
I love new software just as much as the next guy, but with Windows's recent update shenanigans, I couldn't care less to update. 
It has an M.2 ssd, but I'm not sure if its the NVME one, but pretty much amazing when you are coming from a HDD that is almost 8 years old.
So, everything works fine I guess, thought I noticed around 65° CPU at idle, is this normal?, games have no noticeable stuttering of any kind.
It's beast and I'm still finding the ropes around it, so..yeah..that's pretty much it I guess...Is there anything that I should do before I go on and use further? 
Please share anything that, I and everyone who owns this laptop in the community would love to hear about.

Good day peeps! ❤
If my comment has helped you, remember to hit "Yes" on whether this answered your question. Help a fellow user out!

Helios 500 <3 , CS Major , IT Pro, but most importantly human being.  :3
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something."
p.s: sUbScRiBe To pEwDiEpiE  :p 
