Aspire A315-41 NX.GY9EX.040 and fastest SSD + memory

zelenooq Member Posts: 8


edited August 2023 in 2019 Archives
what is the fastest SSD I can put in my laptop?
And what is the fastest memory I could put in my laptop?

Best Answer

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    SATA3 is 6Gbits/s theoretical top speed, not 6GBytes/s. b=bits B=Bytes
    8bits equals about 1Byte.
    So 6Gbits/s equals about 0.75GByte/s or about 750MBytes/s.

    So yes an 860 EVO is about 0.55GBytes/s  practical top speed.
    And a 970 EVO about 3.5 GBytes/s but only if your mainboard supports it, otherwise about 0.55Gbytes/s or same as 860 EVO.

    There is no default on whether a 2x4 or 1x8 DDR4L configuration was used. Could be either. Depends on cost or availabllity. I would guess 2x4 would've been been cheaper and more available but cannot be guaranteed as to what you'll find in your particular machine.

    Your machine handle the highest speed DDR4L modules that are available anywhere in the world as long as is at least 2400 MHz.

    Jack E/NJ  



    Jack E/NJ


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Any garden variety 2.5" SATA3 SSD will work. They all have about the same 6Gbps speed. Any DDR4Laptop RAM module with speed greater than 2400MHz up to 32GB total --- whatever speed you can afford. Go to crucial dot com for specs on compatible upgrades. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • zelenooq
    zelenooq Member Posts: 8


    Thank You for Your answer.
    So, I can't put M.2 SSD disk (like Samsung EVO 970)?
    Which memory is already inside?
    Is it only one slot by default, so I can buy same memory for other slot (and if does which exactly memory is that), or this 8GB memory on both slots?
    Thank You.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Yes, you can put an nvme in there. But its speed will be limited by your mainboard to SATA3 speeds. So don't pay extra for an nvme card if you can get a SATA3 card for less. Two slots are available for two 16GB DDR4 modules for 32GB total RAM allowed. Jack E/NJ


    Jack E/NJ

  • zelenooq
    zelenooq Member Posts: 8


    Thank You.
    Correct me if I am wrong, SATA 3 is 6GB/s, right?
    And 860 EVO is 550MB/520MB and 970 EVO is 3,5GB/2,5GB, right?
    I believe You but I just want to understand why. :)
    Also, do You know which memory is by default in my laptop?
    I have 8GB of memory, is it 2x4 or 1x8 by default?
    And what is maximum speed of memory this laptop can handle?
    Sorry for all this questions and thanks.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    SATA3 is 6Gbits/s theoretical top speed, not 6GBytes/s. b=bits B=Bytes
    8bits equals about 1Byte.
    So 6Gbits/s equals about 0.75GByte/s or about 750MBytes/s.

    So yes an 860 EVO is about 0.55GBytes/s  practical top speed.
    And a 970 EVO about 3.5 GBytes/s but only if your mainboard supports it, otherwise about 0.55Gbytes/s or same as 860 EVO.

    There is no default on whether a 2x4 or 1x8 DDR4L configuration was used. Could be either. Depends on cost or availabllity. I would guess 2x4 would've been been cheaper and more available but cannot be guaranteed as to what you'll find in your particular machine.

    Your machine handle the highest speed DDR4L modules that are available anywhere in the world as long as is at least 2400 MHz.

    Jack E/NJ  



    Jack E/NJ

  • zelenooq
    zelenooq Member Posts: 8


    Thank You.
    One more question...
    It says that ram memory channel mode is Dual.
    I guess it means it used 2x4GB, not 1x8GB, right?
    That is for Dual channel mode? (it can't be on 1xN, right?)

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    If the mainboard supports dual channel, then a matched pair of modules must be used. 2x4 or 2x8 max. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ