GTX 1060 question (Longetivity aspects)

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How current or relevant do you think the GTX 1060 6GB will be with the Predator Helios 300? Could it 5 years possibly? I plan on staying at 1080p, 60Hz resolution without a problem.
Can’t really answer this question. It’s too subjective. Do you want to run games in high? For how long? How advanced will games be along in 2-5 years? How demanding will they become? What are your standards? No one knows the answer to that. We know today, a 1070 or 1060 can get a lot of work done in 1080p that it’s a strong value for great performance. But in a few years who knows.
Based off my experience, I was able to milk a i7, GTX 960M, until this year. I run a desktop at home so the ROG laptop w the 960m was only used while on the road. That laptop was about 2-3 years old, it was really starting to struggle on low.
I would buy the most graphics card you can afford knowing that a laptop is all about compromise for portability, and longevity isn’t their strong suit for obvious reasons.
When you’re 5000 miles from home, online with ur friends playing AAA titles it’s worth the compromises and cost.Helios 500 . PH517-51-72NU . i7 8750H . GTX1070 . Evo 970 nvme
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Gamerlingual said:How current or relevant do you think the GTX 1060 6GB will be with the Predator Helios 300? Could it 5 years possibly? I plan on staying at 1080p, 60Hz resolution without a problem.
current - played witcher 3 and other AAA titles in Apr 2018 at 1600x900 at customized low levels of graphics at about 20-30 FPS (just about playable).
2018 - Predator - i7-7700 - nvidia 1060 6 gb...
current - plays AAA titles at customized ultra graphics at 1980x1080 at 60 fps (vsync - fps fixed to 60)
future... around 2020-2021 -- still managing to pull strong albeit at slightly lower graphics
further future... around 2022-23 (4-5 years) - could be like my 2012 Asus performs currently on AAA games
Most importantly, keep your OS fine tuned (doesn't necessarily mean up to date), keep laptop well maintained (cleaning fans regularly and such, and not abusing it), and it would work for about 3-5 years at the minimum.
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