How to Find out Acer Veriton M261-UC4300P Product Details without SN# or SNID#?

Mangonanny Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives
I inherited a poorly functioning Acer Veriton M261 Desktop that I believe has a bootleg copy of Win 7 on top of Original Win XP Pro = Not enough memory for Win 7 on that desktop and I would like to replace the hard drive completely with a blank or wipe existing one, but how to replace the original Win XP on drive?  Also, the SN# and SNID# on side of computer don't register on this site. Program says they are invalid, so can't find the specs for the Hard Drive, etc. that I should use.  Is it possible just to remove the Bootleg Win 7?Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if my question is convoluted.  I hope that it is still understandable.