X34p Stuck at 110hz

Lord_Flashheart Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 2024 in 2018 Archives
Hello Guys, my X34p arrived yesterday, i purchased a display cable, overclocked monitor, but can only achieve 110hz maximum.
I currently have a ATI 280x (2080ti not arrived yet).
In the windows monitor settings i can see 110hz, but if i overclock to 115 or 120, then reboot monitor, it only displays 100hz.


  • Lazy
    Lazy Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited December 2018
    Had the same problem with a more than powerful enough 780 Ti, plugged in a PC with a 970 to it and turns out it literally was just my card, but still not sure why I wouldn't be able to hit 120hz with a 780 Ti though.

    I would just assume none specified / supported cards would only be able to OC to a certain refresh rate, you should have no problems at 120hz when your 2080 ti arrives.

    Link to my topic below.
