ES1-572-31XL Cover removal

RB28 Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
edited August 2023 in 2018 Archives
I have an Acer Aspire ES1-572-31XL, bought at Amazon in 2017.
Attached see pic of the bottom of the Laptop. I'm trying to figure out how to put some new ram in. I've removed the 2 screws that go to the sectioned plate but it does not pry up with considerable force. I'm concerned there is more to removing this plate than the 2 screws (?) and I don't even know for sure this plate gives access to the ram.

Anybody have one like this and have upgraded their ram (?) please give me pointers on where and how to get the cover off.

Best Answers


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    Remove two screws on the door, use a plastic prying tool at the corner grove and lift the door.

  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Answer ✓

    This is the RAM & SSD bay. The tab in the lower left hand corner must be raised first, in order to remove the cover. There appears to be a sticker over the screw closest to the tab in the video below, but is absent in your photo. It must be replaced with no tearing of the sticker to maintain your warranty.
    Per this webpage RAM capacity is 16 gb.

  • RB28
    RB28 Member Posts: 19 Troubleshooter
    Thank you both (brummyfan2 & wis) so much for this data. I was worried I'd break the cover if I pulled too hard. I've had problems with other Acer's in the past where I had to remove more of the cover. I like Acers except for some of their covers are extremely ambiguous and problematic.

  • wis
    wis Member Posts: 713 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Having broken a tab on an Acer netbook, I know the "knot in the stomach" feeling first hand. Fortunately there was no other damage.
    Acer products are good value for the money; but not using brute force & a bunch of YouTube videos will save us from catastrophes, when we need to get inside.
    Best of luck with your upgrade.