Questions how Nitrosense works

LAdams Member Posts: 2 New User
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
I have a Nitro 5 Acer Computer I just purchased.  I have been using the Nitrosense to monitor my CPU/GPU activity and having trouble understanding how this is to properly work and what all the numbers actually mean.  I see the numbers changing on the CPU from 51 degrees  and 19% to 44 degrees and 33%  those numbers do not correlate the same the lower degrees are higher percentage.  The same happens on the GPU.  There are times when it  may say 50 degrees but its at 98% and other times its it 50 degrees and 19%.   Am I to be more concerned with the percent or the degrees?   I was told by people that play the MMO games that you want your temps under 60 degrees if possible but I am finding on this brand new computer that I it runs between 60 and 70 degrees.  Am I doing something wrong?  This is suppose to be a low end gaming computer and I have been told it could run these games without stressing the CPU/GPU.  It has a separate graphics card specifically for this situation.    

The bottom line questions are what should the temps run at and what does the difference in the temperature and percentage actually mean?   

When should i run it on auto versus max and what should I have it set on when gaming for power saver, balance, and high performance. 

Is there a website that explains these numbers for me or a customer service agent that could explain it to me?

Thank you for your help!  


  • ParadigmFusion
    ParadigmFusion Member Posts: 11


    edited December 2018
    percentage is how much the CPU load is, and the temp reflects that, however Nitrosense isnt the most accurate, if you want to monitor your temps and CPU/GPU load percentages I suggest HWMonitor, its free and isnt as resource heavy. I wouldnt run the fans on max.. unless you want the sound of a jet turbine at all times..