Bluetooth Mouse won't connect, asking to check pin?

aragorn0257 Member Posts: 3 New User
edited August 2023 in 2018 Archives
I have an Acer Aspire E15 Touch and have been using this with a Logitech M557 Bluetooth mouse for a year or so. Suddenly my mouse can't connect and windows asks me to check my Pin. Can't find where to locate the pin for the mouse. I have removed any programs associated with it and reinstalled logitech set point, to no avail. I tried deleting the registry entries and that didn't work either. The mouse works fine on my wife's older Gateway laptop with Windows 10, so I know it is working correctly.
Does anyone have any ideas on what else to try?


  • aragorn0257
    aragorn0257 Member Posts: 3 New User

  • Kamalika
    Kamalika Member Posts: 423 Specialist WiFi Icon

    Hi aragorn0257,
     Please try these steps.
    Go to control panel/Devices and printers
    On this screen if you see the logitech mouse then first remove device.
    Make sure now you connect the logitech mouse.
    Now again go to control panel/devices and printers/Add a device/

    Click on Next. 
    If it asks pin put 0000 and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
    Then check if mouse is working .
    Please let me know if this fixed issue

    If I answered your question, please mark my post "accept" to make it easier for others to find the answer!
  • aragorn0257
    aragorn0257 Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited November 2018
    At no point in this process can I get to any screen where I can input anything, let alone input a pin number.

    My second post above shows the screen Windows 10 Pro, gives me after going through the "Add a Device" and after connection fails. Clicking on anything in that window does nothing and cancelling wipes out everything done to set up the mouse.

    The mouse was obviously discoverable and connection attempted, but failed, for some reason. Batteries were changed.

    It's all very frustrating considering it worked fairly well for at least a year.

    Edit: Also installed Logitech Set Point, latest version and this did not help either, but diagnostics in the program said all is working correctly.