No signal from PC if monitor left in sleep mode

codehammer Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 16 in 2019 Archives
Hello, I have an acer monitor V226HQL

The monitor works fine but I'm having problem when shutting down PC for longer time while leaving monitor turned on (monitors goes to sleep mode in that case).

after some time say 30min. or more when I turn on PC the monitor says "NO SIGNAL". and the workaround to solve this is to turn of PC and monitor and then turn on PC and monitor in same time.
just restarting PC leaving monitor turned on (leaving it in sleep mode) doesn't work, restarting monitor while PC in on doesn't work either.

is anyone having similar problem?


  • christy1
    christy1 Member Posts: 1,619 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    Hi @codehammer,

    Try the below steps, hope you will fix your issue.

    1. Open the Keyboard control panel item, 
    2. click windows key, type Control keyboard, and then click OK.
    3. On the Key Settings tab
    4. Click the Hardware tab, and then click Properties.
    5. Click the Change Settings button
      Note This step requires Administrator access
    6. Click the Power Management tab, and then verify that the Allow this device to wake the computer is enabled.
    7. Click OK, and then click OK again.
    8. Related image
    Accept if its Helpful.   B)
  • KawaiiTnT
    KawaiiTnT Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have the same problem and my input is HDMI and monitor is not recognizing the computer being that before it recognized with the same HDMI cable