acer nitro an515-52 random slow down and crashing for no reason

datfounder1 Member Posts: 5


edited October 2023 in 2018 Archives

- intel core i5 8300h (-200.0) (stable)
- gtx 1050 (stable)
- 8gb DDR4 ram 
- 1TB hardrive with intel optane

When I got this laptop it was running really fast and quick then when I was doing some intensive stuff with alot of programs running (ram not full). It suddenly froze up and crashes. I booted it backup to find startup repair saying automatic repair failed. It said I had no window installations and I tried everything the internet told me. I simple reinstalled window and it worked normally until I was updating fortnite and then tried opening my browser. It crashed windows and then shows me error code 0xC0000098 and could not boot up. I was forced to use a usb and I tried everything and they did not worked but somehow. It worked again. slowly but working. Second reboot it is now fast. I am worried that the hard drive is failing (I have a hardrive with intel optane) and also the hardrive is sometimes randomly slow. It reads speed are bad but write speeds amazing! (read speed roughly 20 to 30 mb/s while write are 300-400mb/s according to fortnite updater) (30mb/s read and 50mb/s according to task manager). Now I did undervolt my cpu but here is the thing. I stress tested OVERNIGHT and nothing happend and also this was weeks before the first crash. I did overclock the gpu but stressed test that as well (It was completely stable even after 24hours).Both the undervolt and overclock were done weeks before these issues arose (the laptop was fine for a few weeks doing alot of tasks and then suddenly these come up). The crash occurs when alot of info is being read or written to the hardrive or when I open alot of programs at once. So this may be a ram problem or a harddrive problem.

At this point I do not know if I should replace the laptop or change the ram or hard drive. This does act like some issue with the hardrive but then again. It happens with high ram usage as well so :/.
and yes I have tried disabling the undervolt and overclock but they did not work. They computer still act slightly sluggish before being blazing fast again.


  • datfounder1 

    Clearing the CMOS may resolve no display or system shutdown issues without replacing hardware. Use the following steps to clear the CMOS settings.

    Caution :  Please perform the steps at your own risk.

    1. Use a small paper clip to press the battery reset on the bottom of the notebook for 10 seconds.
    2. Remove the RAM bay door.
    3. Remove the RAM module.
    4. Locate the CMOS clear pads labeled JCMOS1. Use metal tweezers to bridge the connection for 5 seconds.
    5. Update the BIOS to version 1.05 or newer and verify that the issue has been resolved.

    Note: BIOS 1.05 will be included in a Critical Windows Update to prevent this issue from occurring.

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    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • datfounder1
    datfounder1 Member Posts: 5


    sorry for very long wait lol. I did it but that did not seem to do anything.