Predator sense Bug, I can't see the GPU Clocks/Temperatures/Usage in predator sense predator helios

JoshieaLucas Member Posts: 8


edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
I got and Acer predator helios 300


I7 7700HQ , GTX 1060 6GB , 16GB Ram,  15.6inch screen.
I'm on build 1803 of windows.

The problem started 3 days ago my laptop just "Froze" randomly and I held down the power button to restart it I wasn't doing anything too intensive just browsing on Edge, After the force shut down I noticed predator sense wasn't showing GPU stats anymore regardless of what i'm doing. I've tried re-installing, disabling fast startup, cold starting and putting the laptop to sleep and wake, reinstalling turbo boost drivers for Acers driver page, Reinstalling Nvidia drivers, Restarting/ leaving laptop off for long periods of time, running predator sense in compatibility mode and so far nothing have worked. I would like to believe its a software issue since I tried downloading msi afterburner and it shows me temps and clock speed for the dgpu without any problems, while I can use that i'd much rather use predator sense instead (preference)  Can anyone give some assistance as to why it doesn't work? Doesn't show GPU Usage/Temperatures/Clockspeeds?

I've Also tried the Recovery "Reset this PC" option in windows but choose the "Keep my personal files" and still seen no progress

I attached a screenshot showing a run of a GPU stress test (Furmark), with task manager open showing that the Dedicated GPU (GTX 1060) is in use almost 100% but predator sense shows 
"Dedicated GPU Is idle"

Can I have some further assistance?
This is also my first post here I hope I gave enough info


  • Red-Sand
    Red-Sand ACE Posts: 1,892 Pathfinder
    May sound very silly but I've seen where someone had to force shut down and this issue happened and the fix was force shutting down again (lol).

    A couple other "fixes" I've seen is disconnecting from the external monitor (if your using one) then reboot.

    Another is installing the "Turbo Boost" driver from Acer's driver download page.

    Lastly I've seen disabling "fast startup" option of windows also corrected this bug.
    - Hotel Hero
  • JoshieaLucas
    JoshieaLucas Member Posts: 8


    I'll cycle through the options again, I Did attempt to force shut down and saw no improvements, also tried to install the "Turbo boost" driver and same story same with disabling fast startup, i'll try it again, thanks for the reply
  • Red-Sand
    Red-Sand ACE Posts: 1,892 Pathfinder
    It could also be something as simple as a OSD program overriding Pred Sense's monitoring.

    I know I had this issue if I have MSI Afterburner start with windows so I have to set it to a 30 second delay.

    Are you using a OSD or monitoring service?
    - Hotel Hero
  • JoshieaLucas
    JoshieaLucas Member Posts: 8


    I have Msi afterburner but it isn't set to run at startup, So nope I don't have a OSD monitoring service
  • JoshieaLucas
    JoshieaLucas Member Posts: 8


    So I got it to work, was thinking about the "Force shutdown" option I'm not sure how safe I did was but it worked,
    What I did was unplugged the laptop, ran the GPU stress test benchmark (Furmark) and pushed the battery reset button on the rear of the laptop forcing the laptop to "Shut down" under GPU load and I started it back up and saw it working.

    The force shutdown by holding the power button was not working so I randomly thought i'd try that and it works!!!

    Thanks for the replies
  • JoshieaLucas
    JoshieaLucas Member Posts: 8


    edited August 2018
    Ugh the error came back again
    so buggy
  • Red-Sand
    Red-Sand ACE Posts: 1,892 Pathfinder
    Are you using an external monitor?
    - Hotel Hero
  • JoshieaLucas
    JoshieaLucas Member Posts: 8


    Nope i'm not using an external monitor

  • JoshieaLucas
    JoshieaLucas Member Posts: 8


    Its really confusing me because at times Predatorsense is showing GPU stats and then randomly it stops, Right now its working fine
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    After any cold boot, try putting to sleep and waking up. Also disable "fast startup" option under power settings for that disables true shut down.
    LIKE - if helpful
    ACCEPT - if helped resolve
  • FoTenX
    FoTenX Member Posts: 1 New User
    I've never been able to see anything other than Lighting and Overclocking controls. They both work fine. Can't see the thermal readings or Fan Control (assume these are both in the  Monitoring function as per the manual). I will try the fixes mentioned here. Thanks for sharing the problem :-)
  • Weidmann1988
    Weidmann1988 Member Posts: 20 Troubleshooter
    What was the definitive solution? i have this same issue, with te same equip, try everything and nothing help me!