Acer Aspire VN7-591G NVMe SSD installation issue.

AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Was anyone able to get the NVMe SSD working in Acer Aspire VN7-591G?
I recently purchased Samsung 960 EVO but can't get it working!
I would really appreciate if someone could help me out. Or even provide me any insight on what to look for next.

Best Answer


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    You could check the maximum Link width value for PCI Express Root Ports, if you find any of them having the value of 2x, then you can install a NVMe SSD, install HWiNFO 64 free program, run it, expand Bus, expand PCI Bus, highlight PCI Express Root Ports and check the value in the right pane.
    Please read this thread for more information.

  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    Thanks for your reply.
    Seems like its just 1X.
    By the way my PCIe 3 and PCIe 4 has wireless adapter and ethernet as it shows in the left highlighted pane.
    But I already inserted my SSD in one of the PCIe port. So how can I know what's the port number!
    Also, isn't there any other way to install this NVMe I already have?
    It's still great if the speed is comparable to other normal SSD without NVMe.
    My BIOS version is 1.15, I looked for any updates but found none.
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    I don't think that the NVMe SSD will work in any other ports and you can use them in M.2 SSD port only.

  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    I don't have too much knowledge about these stuffs, but this is what I found from a website. While scrolling down in the page there are other laptops with NVMe capabilities...
  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    edited July 2018
    This is the actual photo of my laptop's situation at the moment.
    I'm looking for "Samsung 860 EVO 500GB M.2 SATA Internal SSD (MZ-N6E500BW)" for the replacement if NVMe doesn't work.
    Since I'm not a tech expert, can you look up and say if it's compatible or not?
    Huge thanks.
  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    I'm worried even if SSD starts working will I be able to make OS boot from m.2 SSD.
    I see limited options in my BIOS!
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Your model is different from VX5-591G which is capable of NVMe SSD, I would suggest you to get Samsung 860 Evo and install, it will work without any issues.
  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    Evo 860 is on its way.
    Just not sure if I'll be able to boot windows from it.
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Evo 860 is on its way.
    Just not sure if I'll be able to boot windows from it.
    Yes, you will be able to boot with the drive.
  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    Hope so. Thanks @brummyfan2
    I'll update you when it arrives..
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Hope so. Thanks @brummyfan2
    I'll update you when it arrives..
    You are welcome :)
  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    Evo 860 worked on my computer. So what I did was migrated the existing files from HDD to SSD. Then put the SSD to first priority in the Boot manager in BIOS. But I still couldn't get windows to boot from SSD normally. Everytime I have to go to boot menu to get it working!
    Any solution on this?
    I was thinking about formatting HDD but not sure.
    Also should I do anything else? Like maybe changing Disk 1 from MBR Disk to Dynamic Disk? Or also delete Recovery and Health partition in Disk 1?
  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    Sorry I was very impatient!
    Formatted the D Drive in Disk 1 (i.e. HDD partition with windows). Now it directly boots from SSD.
    Still, should I do anything else? Like changing Disk 1 from MBR Disk to Dynamic Disk? Delete Recovery and Health partition in Disk 1? Anything else?
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    No problem, yes you can delete Recovery and Healthy(100MB) from Disk 1, use the whole Disk1 for Data, apart from that you don't need to do anything else.
  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    edited July 2018
    No problem, yes you can delete Recovery and Healthy(100MB) from Disk 1, use the whole Disk1 for Data, apart from that you don't need to do anything else.
    Since the SSD was cloned from HDD, I wanted to maybe factory reset the laptop but ALT+f10 isn't working. I even checked if its disabled in BIOS but it's not.
    The keys didn't work before or after I deleted those recovery and health from Disk 1!
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    No problem, yes you can delete Recovery and Healthy(100MB) from Disk 1, use the whole Disk1 for Data, apart from that you don't need to do anything else.
    Since the SSD was cloned from HDD, I wanted to maybe factory reset the laptop but ALT+f10 isn't working. I even checked if its disabled in BIOS but it's not.
    The keys didn't work before or after I deleted those recovery and health from Disk 1!
    I don't think the factory restore will work in the M.2 SSD because the factory restore requires the original hardware. As you have cloned it, I don't see the point in restoring to factory state but if you want to try, you have to transfer it to HDD again, remove the M.2 SSD and try to do a factory restore.
  • Mush_
    Mush_ Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited August 2018
    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for sharing this info. I have exact the same laptop with the same issue and result from HWiNFO is the same as yours AJ_Shrestha.
    Samsung 970EVO and 960EVO did not work.
    How is 860 on your laptop AJ_Shrestha? having any issues?

    To clone windows from old ssd to new one is this a right way?
    I have 60GB ssd with windows, cloned to my HDD. 
    When I take ssd out, windows is running just fine but little slow, but when I had 960 or 970 ssd's on, disk management did not show there is drive connected also BIOS is not showing any drives only HDD.
    Am I doing something wrong or I should go for 860 and will be ok?

    Will appreciate any help.
    Thanks :)

  • AJ_Shrestha
    AJ_Shrestha Member Posts: 12


    Mush_ said:
    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for sharing this info. I have exact the same laptop with the same issue and result from HWiNFO is the same as yours AJ_Shrestha.
    Samsung 970EVO and 960EVO did not work.
    How is 860 on your laptop AJ_Shrestha? having any issues?

    To clone windows from old ssd to new one is this a right way?
    I have 60GB ssd with windows, cloned to my HDD. 
    When I take ssd out, windows is running just fine but little slow, but when I had 960 or 970 ssd's on, disk management did not show there is drive connected also BIOS is not showing any drives only HDD.
    Am I doing something wrong or I should go for 860 and will be ok?

    Will appreciate any help.
    Thanks :)

    Evo 860 works great!
    Don't think 960 and 970 is supported by this laptop as they are NVMe ssd. 
    Sorry I replied late.
  • slowmotionsloth
    slowmotionsloth Member Posts: 2 New User
    i have the same issue with adata xpg sx8000.  only an nvme ssd can fit in the port on the motherboard.  I dont want to replace my hdd. i just want to add an ssd in the provided port.  i have tried two different ssds and neither has worked.  why does the motherboard have a port for an extra ssd if it doesnt work?
  • kimouser64
    kimouser64 Member Posts: 2 New User