Helios 300 G3-571 Idle Temps

Mechanix Member Posts: 6


edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
Hey everyone! 

Just received my new laptop yesterday and so far the experience has been pretty good overall, but I have one question:

Right now my laptop is idle at 52C - 60C with Steam, Discord, and this page open. CPU Usage is at 16%

Isn't that pretty irregular? Even with CoolBoost and Fans set to max Predator Sense won't show anything under 50C for the CPU while idle.

Played some Path of Exile, HoTs, and some Fortnite and my temps ranged from 56-87C CPU wise as far as min/max goes so that's not my worry.

I haven't fiddled with any settings since unboxing it. What could potentially be the issue?(If there is one!)



  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    Windows updates!
    LIKE - if helpful
    ACCEPT - if helped resolve
  • Mechanix
    Mechanix Member Posts: 6


    sri369 said:
    Windows updates!
    I like how I forgot to update Windows and the GPU.


    Will update post after installs!

    Thank you!
  • MrGrudev
    MrGrudev Member Posts: 86 Fixer WiFi Icon
    Check what processes are running in background. As Sri369 said, this behavior looks like windows updates are being downloaded at that time. 

    You can use this link. 

    Go through  

    "Acer Predator Helios 300 - Windows Optimization Guide"  

    Disabling some windows features which are running in background will reduce cpu load, respectively temperature. If the temperatures are still relatively high, you can try undervaluing your CPU. There are great guide in the same page

    Acer Predator Helios 300 - ThrottleStop Remix - Undervolt Guide - Overheating Fix / Optimization

    Hotel Hero did a great job making this guides. 

    2. Second thing you might want to do is lifting the notebook from the table by inch or two. Best way is to get a cooling pad beneath it.

    Good luck 
  • Mechanix
    Mechanix Member Posts: 6


    Alright. Windows is fully updated, NVIDIA drivers are good to go. I believe I did every setting in Hotel's video. Have attempted to raise the laptop off of my table.

    Without attempting an undervolt Idle Temps with CPU usage at less than 6% are still ~49 - 56C

    Will attempt to undervolt in the morning and post the results.

    Thanks for the tips so far.

  • MrGrudev
    MrGrudev Member Posts: 86 Fixer WiFi Icon
    Let us know about the results 
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    Mechanix said:
    Alright. Windows is fully updated, NVIDIA drivers are good to go. I believe I did every setting in Hotel's video. Have attempted to raise the laptop off of my table.

    Without attempting an undervolt Idle Temps with CPU usage at less than 6% are still ~49 - 56C

    Will attempt to undervolt in the morning and post the results.

    Thanks for the tips so far.
    You could also try creating your own power plan and set CPU core parking to allow all cores to be parked. This would let all unused cores to be parked and woken as needed. You won't have any noticeable performance drop since they would be woken up when needed. Parking them helps reduce power to those cores and lower overall idle temps too.

    Low usage temps and CPU usage since I turned on laptop about 45-60 mins ago.

    If you want more info on these settings, IM me, and I can work you through it.
    LIKE - if helpful
    ACCEPT - if helped resolve
  • Mechanix
    Mechanix Member Posts: 6


    Long overdue for trying this so my apologies.

    After following Hotel Hero's guides you've mentioned above, I've downloaded Throttlestop and set everything as stated in the video.

    Here's my Throttlestop and PredatorSense. This is with a cooling pad beneath the laptop itself at idle.

    Appreciate everyone working with me through this issue! Will definitely stay up to date to try and get this resolved.

  • Mechanix
    Mechanix Member Posts: 6


    Adding a bit more:
    Temperatures while gaming. 

    First screenshot is Black Ops 4 all settings at a minimum. I've only had issues with this game today. Prior to today I've gad this game almost maxed and GPU Maxed at ~77 and it spikes up to 84, and seems to hang around 81C. 

    2nd is Assassins Creed Origins - Settings I believe are maxed out. Seem like a good range overall?

    I'm probably more or less a worry wart here, but rather not ruin the $1200 laptop 4 months later =P

    Might just end up getting some MX-4 and just do the pasting myself if its needed. I plan on changing the screen out for a better one anyways so the warranty will be voided regardless.

  • Mechanix
    Mechanix Member Posts: 6


    This is after about 2 hours of playing a game on Discord called Minion Masters. Not a graphic or CPU intensive game. Kind of Trine-ish graphic wise.

    Seems like something is definitely off now.