my acer Aspire E 15 start /windows 8 will not restore to factory faults.

SIOUX2U2 Member Posts: 4 New User
edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives
I have tried repair/ refresh, restore to factory default. it will keep going back to what I have tried to get rid of. Like I did a reset to refresh repair this computer to pressing f10  nothing seems to work. I went and did a factory restore to defaults. went threw setting up my computer all over to putting a computer name/ Microsoft account to putting my internet. when it down loads updates, I log into my computer I type in a address it already shows I been there. it blocks web sites I been going to for over 20 years, like womansday/ taste of home/ news . I get a pop up that say I need to let the site use cookies/ or I get errors not responding/  time out.  tool bar is gone. I have a virus softwear. how can I get this computer to go back to factory restore to start over? how to step by step. thank you for the help.


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,467 Pathfinder
    edited June 2018
    Please try the below mentioned recovery steps. This will refresh your operating system, but will not erase your data.

    >>>>Using Acer Recovery Management to Refresh Windows 8
    You can refresh your Windows 8 operating system from your computer's hard drive using the Acer Recovery Management software. 
    Use the following steps to refresh your computer.
    Press the Windows (Image: icon_Windows8_key.png) key + C, or swipe in from the right edge of the screen to open your Charms.
    Click Search, then type Recover. Click Acer Recovery Management. Select Customized Restore (Retain User Data).
    Click Next. Select Refresh. Click Reset. Your computer will restart and begin the refresh process.

    >>>>Restore Windows on my Acer Computer Using Alt + F10 on startup
    Use the following steps to restore the your computer to factory defaults.
    Press and hold the Power key for 5 seconds to power the system off completely.
    Press the Power key to turn on the computer. Press the Alt and F10 keys at the same time when the Acer logo appears on the screen. Your system should boot to a blue screen that says Choose an option. Select Troubleshoot.
    Click Reset your PC. This process will erase all data on the your system. Choose the Refresh your PC option if you want to restore your system and retain your data. Click Next, then select Just remove my files. Click Reset to begin the recovery.

    >>>>Reset Windows from windows login screen
    Use the following steps, From the login screen, click the power icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
    While holding Shift, click Restart.  Click Troubleshoot. Click Reset Your PC. Click Next.
    The system will reboot and begin Preparing to Reset the PC. At the Reset your PC screen, click Just remove my files.
    Click Reset.

    Hit 'Like' if you find the answer helpful!   
    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊