New G3-710 Monitor and peripherals shutdown fans turn on full.

Withershins Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 2024 in 2018 Archives
Brand new PC has been shutting down during general desktop/internet use. The monitor, keyboard, and mouse turn off and the pc fans turn on full. I have monitored the temperatures and haven't seen anything over 75, so temps seem to be okay. I turned the temp guards off temporarily in the BIOS and the shutdown still happens. It will only do this about 3 to 4 times at the beginning of my use of the PC for 30 - 60 mins, and for the rest of the day it won't do it unless I turn it off for a while and come back on. It doesn't correlate with heavy usage I have never had it happen during gaming.

I have noticed a few people with this fault on here and online, best i can tell it began around march so i'm wondering if this is an update of some sort causing problems. I have tried updating the BIOS but after it updates there is no change to the version, i'm using R02-A2 3/17/2017.

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Matic_Prime
    Matic_Prime Member Posts: 12



    did you control the power cable? Is it snapped in Properly on boths sides? PSU and Power? 

    How is your power cable connected? Is it directly plugged into the wall?

    KR, Matic
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,676 Trailblazer
    Sounds more like hardware to me. I've seen similar symptoms over the years related to a cold solder joint. When the system isn't up to temp the connection would be intermittent, when up to full temperature the chip expansion would put enough extra pressure on the joint to force a good connection. If the problem only shows up when fairly cold it would fit... Take it back for a swap if it's new enough and contact Acer support for a repair if not.
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