Pred17 G9-793: Any way to adjust FrostCore temperature proc? (Loud fan noise when browsing web)

Goldark Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
Hi folks,

I have a Acer Predator 17 G9-793-79V5 and have swapped out the DVD drive for the FrostCore.  With the FrostCore not installed, the fan noise on the machine is pretty nominal when doing everyday activities, such as browsing the web.  However, with the FrostCore installed there is a frequent and distracting high pitch whining noise as it activates whenever I go to a new webpage while browsing.  As far as I can tell, the fan activates whenever the PredatorSense indicates a CPU temperature exceeding 40 C.  Is there any way I can change a system or registry setting where the FrostCore will not activate until the CPU temperature hits 50 or 60 degrees C?  It seems really unnecessary for the FrostCore to proc at a measly 40 degrees.

I love the machine and would prefer the FrostCore be installed as I do a lot of gaming on the rig, but I find the fan noise to be a big negative when doing everyday activities.  Any help/suggestions are appreciated!


  • Queen6
    Queen6 Member Posts: 319 Skilled Practitioner WiFi Icon
    edited May 2018
    FrostCore on my G9-793 is relatively quiet, I can hear it, however it's not intrusive until higher RPM's, certainly no whining nose.  Not aware of anyway to adjust the fan curve of the FrostCore..

  • Goldark
    Goldark Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    Interesting.  I've owned two of the G9-793's and the FrostCore's have sounded the same on both.  Do you browse the net or game with headphones, Queen6?
  • Queen6
    Queen6 Member Posts: 319 Skilled Practitioner WiFi Icon
    Nope, normally the built in speakers or a BT speaker.  If working late at night in a quiet environment can sometimes hear the FrostCore spooling up, no whining though just typical low level fan noise, and need to be very close the notebook.  At around 2K the FrostCore on my Predator 17 is pretty much silent to all intents and purpose.

  • Goldark
    Goldark Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    Thank you for the input, Q-6.  :)
  • Morfevs
    Morfevs Member Posts: 8


    My frostcore stays VERY quiet, but you can steel feel its exhausting...
    My fans on the other hand, while from idle to around 2600 the right one makes a slight whistle noise, when its accellerating.
    Does yours do that as well?
  • Queen6
    Queen6 Member Posts: 319 Skilled Practitioner WiFi Icon
    Morfevs said:
    My frostcore stays VERY quiet, but you can steel feel its exhausting...
    My fans on the other hand, while from idle to around 2600 the right one makes a slight whistle noise, when its accellerating.
    Does yours do that as well?

    Not that I'm aware of.  Try running the fans at maximum for a few minutes, might be just some dust in the system.  FrostCore should spin down to zero under low loads

  • Goldark
    Goldark Member Posts: 16 Troubleshooter
    Morfevs said:
    My frostcore stays VERY quiet, but you can steel feel its exhausting...
    My fans on the other hand, while from idle to around 2600 the right one makes a slight whistle noise, when its accellerating.
    Does yours do that as well?
    Hi Morfevs,

    I think I have a gimpy FrostCore then if both you and Q6 can't hear yours.  I tried squirting some WD-40 on it to see if that would fix it but it didn't do anything.  I actually took the FrostCore out permanently because it's so loud and annoying.

    To answer you, my normal fans do make noises when they're starting up and winding down, and I've noticed a strange sound like a morning dove's cooing coming from something in that area.  I'm not sure if it's my fans or not, but it's been driving me nuts the past few days.
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    I wish my G3-572 too came with a frost core option
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