Acer s276hl monitor geeft knipperend diverse kleuren scherm

Mart65 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited February 2024 in 2018 Archives

Ik ben mantelzorger bij een oudere man die sinds kort in een verzorgingshuis woont. 
Ik ben zijn steun en toeverlaat als hij een probleem ofzo heeft en het echt niet meer weet. 
Hij heeft nu een probleem met zijn Acer lcd monitor S276hl.
De monitor heeft altijd goed gewerkt tot vandaag. 
Zetten we de monitor aan dan krijgen we een kleuren scherm die erg snel van kleur wisselt.
 Verder kunnen we niets meer. 
Wat zou het kunnen zijn en wie kan ons helpen.

Good evening
I am a caregiver for an elderly man who has recently been living in a nursing home.
I am his support and stay if he has a problem or something and it really does not know anymore.
He now has a problem with his Acer LCD monitor S276hl.
The monitor has always worked well until today.
When we turn on the monitor, we get a color screen that changes color very quickly.
  Furthermore, we can not do anything anymore.
What could it be and who can help us.

[Translated Acer-Dan ]


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,706 Pathfinder
    Any major discoloration or distortion problem you're seeing on your monitor is probably due to a physical problem with either the monitor itself or the video card.
    >Completely unplug the monitor and power it On to check if it displays " no signal" screen. You can also isolate the issue by connecting the monitor to another computer
    >Using your monitor's adjustment buttons or onscreen settings, find the preset default level and enable it. This should return your monitor's many settings to "factory default" levels, correcting any color issues that were caused by settings at improper levels.
    >Check the cable between the monitor and the computer to make sure that each end is physically secure. Completely unplug, and plug back in, each end just to be sure.

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