SATA III or NVMe M.2 SSD slot inside the Aspire E5-576G?



  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    edited August 2018
    Natidada said:
    Natidada said:
    AceFan said:
    Natidada said:
    Natidada said:
    Hello Mate,

    I have read all the previous posts and frankly speaking I have never seen a knowledgeable person like you in my whole life. I have read all the previous responses by you - Simply superb.
    What makes it amazing is your spontaneous response - Lightening Fast !!!!

    Please let us all more about you - Name, professional experience etc.

    The reason I mentioned above URL because I thought NVME is not compatible on my laptop. Could you please :-
    1. Let all of us know what factors in HWINFO64 determines if laptop is compatible with NVME or SATA M.2 ?
    2. Is there any Article or website to get more understanding of the details we mention in screenshot for Bus, PCI.
    3. Can I use WD Black NVME SSD drive on my Acer A515-51 ?

    Regards, Natidada

    Thanks for your kind words, I am not a very bright student but read a lot and not afraid to ask questions.
    1. As I have mentioned earlier HWiNFO doesn't provide the needed information to decide about NVMe support in this model but was helpful to find the Maximum Link width of PCI Express Root Ports in E series and F series laptops and few other models. Maximum Link width value denotes the lanes enabled for PCIe, for NVMe SSD to work, you need either 2 lanes or 4 lanes enabled for PCIe.
    2. You can post any questions in the forum and the author Martin will be able to answer them.
    3. Yes, you can use WD Black NVMe SSD but some members did have difficulties with WD drives, so do a bit research and decide on your purchase.
    Thanks mate, One last question : How do we know if my Acer A series A515-51 is compatible with NVME SSD ?
    What info about the laptop confirms if its compatible with NVME drives

    Regards, Ashwani
    I can confirm the A515-51 takes the M.2 NVME because I own a A515-51-563W. Not the same exact model as yours but it has the same exact body. 

    Before installing the M.2 NVME I also asked a lot of questions to confirm. The Acer documentation is very light on details but came here and brummyfan2 along with a few others were very helpful.

    Before installing the M.2 I was running Windows and my programs on the HDD was extremely disappointed. After installing the M.2 my machine runs great.

    One thing not mentioned which is a small detail but important. You need one M.2 screw to secure the M.2. Acer doesn't provide it and most M.2s don't come with the screw. They are tiny screws and easy to get lost so I bought two just in case I lost one.

    This is the specific listing where I bought the M.2 screws:

    As for the M.2 I purchased. I got the Corsair Force MP300 M.2 2280 240GB on Newegg. The reason is I wanted an NVME but read a lot about heating issues. The documentation for the Corsair is the only NVME which extensively talking about being thermally optimized and dispersing heat. Yes you can but a heatsink and attach to the M.2. But I'm lazy and didn't want to deal with one more thing to do.

    I live in Florida and it's summer and watched the temperature of the Corsair M.2 very closely with CrystalDiskInfo. The highest temp it has ever gotten was 54 C. And usually stays in the low to mid 40s C. I believe the danger zone is 70 C so it's been running very cool.

    Thanks buddy for this extra bit for information.
    I will get an NVME for my A515-51. I hope that would make my i3 8th gen little faster.

    Could you also suggest if my Desktop PC's motherboard also supports NVME SSD....its Gigabyte GA-H270M-D3H

    Regards, Ashwani

    Brummyfan2 : Can we install any graphics card on this laptop ?
    I mean after installing SSD, do we still have any slot on motherboard for graphics card. Please suggest some non expensive graphics which would ofcourse be better than 620 UHD  onboard card.

    Unfortunately no, there are no slots available for additional graphics card.

  • danger
    danger Member Posts: 1 New User
    Thanks to this thread, I just installed a Samsung EVO 970 in my E5-576G-5762. works great, faster and bigger than the drive it came with.
  • dangyeu
    dangyeu Member Posts: 2 New User
    You are welcome :)

    Laptop Acer E5-576G-54JQ
    Can I use the Samsung SSD 970 evo M2 500gb ??
  • yeeloon
    yeeloon Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi... I need some advice. I plan to add a SSD (as my primary drive). Based on the below screencap, can my Acer Aspire E5-576G-56E7 supports NVME or other types of SSD? Appreciate your kind advice.

    Also what is the recommended SSD brand/model to install
    Thanks in advance,

  • Znero12wx3
    Znero12wx3 Member Posts: 4 New User
    I have an e5 576g 82rz can i put ssd on it? 
  • chua0928
    chua0928 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi Guys, i have a question regarding about my laptop is that suitable install SSD Nvme. Cause I'm so confusing my laptop is not like working after installing SSD Nvme

    Please help me to figures out 😭

    Laptop Spec: Acer Aspire E5-576g