Stock up Acer beyond limits, can't enter BIOS

Rhiinkashi Member Posts: 1 New User
I have a problem to my laptop acer. When i they have a virus cold usb hide virus. I try to reformat using my windows 10 64 bit,  and  its install first installation of files, but when they restart. I change   the bios setup usibg default hit f9 yes the f10 the save yes. After restart It apear no bootable os. The i try to restart again but after that only stock at Acer explore beyond limita. And I can't access the Bios using f2. Itry any posible conbination using alt f10. Fn esc, esc f8 f12, f9, f10 alt f4, f4,  f12, f, and other key posible. I search in a web. But no luck. I remove all dvd usb touchpad hdd memory and cmos battery. Even one by one. Memory the hdd dvd drive. And others but same. I hard reset using keep poweroff then power on. Still no luck. If its posible my BIOS is corrupted? Its corrupted how do i fix it?
 Thank in advance more power acer and company. 


  • Kui
    Kui Member Posts: 1 New User
    hi, i have the same problem, could you solve it?