why will my chromebook not connect to my wireless printer?

trab Member Posts: 7


edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
see the attached document for the problem I am encountering.  To me it appears to be a software problem in my computer, and if so, how do I resolve it???



  • Rudy21
    Rudy21 ACE Posts: 1,789 Pathfinder
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  • trab
    trab Member Posts: 7


    thanks for the suggestion, but my printer is not a cloud printer.
  • Rudy21
    Rudy21 ACE Posts: 1,789 Pathfinder
    In that case you can try classic printer method to access your printer.
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  • trab
    trab Member Posts: 7


    I've tried that.  Can you access this attached document? I think it pretty well describes my problem. 


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    So start by verifying the printer really is at that address. The HP Print to Chrome app bypasses the normal print process for the Chrome OS and sends it's data directly to the printer IP address instead of using Google Cloud Print. Your IP addresses are usually assigned by your router, and looks an awful lot like an example instead a normally assigned address. The printer can print a status page that includes the address...
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  • trab
    trab Member Posts: 7

    Tinkerer is the address that is on the printer status page. That is the address I manually inputted on the google printer setup page, however whenever I queried the address from the printer option in google settings, I get What does the "168" mean, and is it germane to the problem I am having?
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    The :168 is the port used to connect. 168 is marked as reserved in the 'well known ports' list but not earmarked for any specific use that I can find. I don't think it's germaine to your issue.
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  • trab
    trab Member Posts: 7


    thanks for the response... It's great to talk with someone who knows what is going on...I know just enough to get in all kinds of trouble!!!!

    I updated my experience on the " log" I am keeping: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYsrUFqkG870dFEUZg4LJfRZV_C40gVB6TigCAPRIz4/edit?usp=sharing  From what's going on it appears, from my point of view, to be a software problem in the computer, either Acer or Google. The printer works fine if I initiate the printing from the HP for chrome app on the computer, and the printer works fine on my other laptop which uses Ubuntu.  I have also initiated an inquiry with HP. 

    If it is a software problem, is there any program that you know of that can diagnose it..From what I see it appears that Acer has such a program but it is only for Windows...Is there a similar one for Chromebook?
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    edited April 2018
    Chromebooks are weird when it comes to printing, they really want you to print using the Google Cloud Print (GCP) service. Unfortunately your printer is just a bit too old to support that. Hence the app that allows you to print some types of files but is not generic enough to work with everything. The solution recommended by Google for this issue is to connect the printer to a PC or Mac, register the printer through their OS with GCP and then print from the cloud using the PC or Mac as an intermediary. The only other clean solution is to replace the printer with a new one that supports GCP natively. So, if working within the limitations of the app aren't viable you either need a Windows PC or a Mac to get it working, or a new printer.
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  • trab
    trab Member Posts: 7


    oh rats..... the darnedest thing is, the printer was working fine up until the first part of Feb., then things went haywire. I do know that hp was having security issues with Chromebook.....I wonder if the newest Google  OS update created the problem.  Technology is moving too fast and too commercially for my taste...I guess i'm too old fashion, but then again my first new computer was a TRS 80!   
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    Sweet, my first was a VIC20, but I'd played Adventure on a Trash80 first. :)

    It's possible that an update to ChromeOS broke it, likely meaning HP was doing something they weren't supposed to to get around printing without going through the cloud. Once Google noticed they plugged the hole. Is there any way to take documents that won't print and migrate them to one of the apps that do print?
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  • trab
    trab Member Posts: 7


    The biggest problem I have is with e-mail....which isn't G-mail.... If I hit the print button in my e-mail program I cannot get beyond the printing screen in google, the same goes for an attachment in the e-mail...however if I save the attachment to lets say a pdf file and then go into the hp print for chrome app and choose to print a document, then access the pdf file in the computer, then I can print it. Anyway I got around this whole problem by attaching the printer to my chromebook via usb cable. (gosh, I haven,t done that in years!!!)  and now I can print anything I want to the old timey way!~!  Thanks for your help, I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge...