Over drive woes...

Scolwell Member Posts: 3 New User
edited February 2024 in 2018 Archives
I recently bought a KG251Q, the 24.5" 75hz model. I'm connected to an RX 480 via HDMI 2.0, using freesync. Everything is great, except the massive amount of inverse ghosting/overshooting. All stationary objects give off this oddly colored aura whenever I move the camera around in-game. Its all games, all the time. I did a little research and concluded over drive must be the culprit. I had a similar problem with an ASUS panel in the past, and disabling "trace-free", which is basically their version of over drive, fixed it completely. I've also read many posts of people with Predator monitors having this issue.

Now onto my real problem. There IS an option for over drive in the OSD, under Gaming. But I cannot change it. It seems to be stuck on Normal. There ARE arrows on either side of the word Normal, indicating I should be able to change it. And I know there's USUALLY 3 options for over drive. Normal, Off, or Extreme. Obviously I would like to turn it off. But I can't...

I've contacted ACER directly several times, and have spoken to their level 2 tech support. They're stumped. They say I should be able to turn it off. I even accessed the service menu, and there is no option for over drive. The little information I could find online regarding this were all dead ends as well. Can the over drive NOT be disabled? Why even include the option in the OSD? Do I need a different cable? Is the monitor faulty? Please help!


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,698 Pathfinder
    edited April 2018

    Does you computer has a nvidia or AMD card?

    Please check for options to turn off or disable "overdrive" in Graphics card application.
    In some cases when connected to nvidia card, you can turn it off. But when connected to an AMD card to take advantage of the Freesync, you can no longer can turn the overdrive off. it would be always on "normal".

    As per Acer documentation I see that for HDMI Overdrive can be enabled or disabled if the monitor is connected via HDMI, since FreeSync is not supported via HDMI.
    Overdrive is enabled by default when your Acer monitor is connected via DisplayPort with FreeSync enabled. This means you will not be able to change Overdrive settings within the monitors On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.

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    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Scolwell
    Scolwell Member Posts: 3 New User
    I am using an AMD RX 480, as I already stated.

    Crimson does not have any options for over drive.

    You say that freesync is not supported over HMDI. That is incorrect. This monitor only connects via HMDI and the freesync is indeed working. There is no Display port. ONLY HDMI! If over drive can be disabled over HMDI, why can I not do so? Are you saying that I can't turn it off because of the freesync? I've tried disabling freesync, and I still cannot disable the over drive. The amount of inverse ghosting is terrible.

    If I cannot turn off the over drive feature I will be returning.

  • Scolwell
    Scolwell Member Posts: 3 New User
    I have returned this monitor. The support I was given from Acer was atrocious. Not a single person could find a solution to my problem, half of them didn't even understand what I was asking, or didnt speak english well enough to communicate.  Many times, Acer techs promised to "look into it" and call me back. They never did. All my forum posts and emails have produced nothing or were straight up ignored. After weeks of hassle, I have confirmed the overdrive cannot be disabled. Therefore the terrible inverse ghosting cannot be fixed. It's just "the way it is" to quote one Acer tech...

    This monitor is garbage, your companies support and treatment of its customers is garbage. And people need to be made aware. I will never purchase another product from Acer. What a joke.