How long can I game on my laptop without physically damaging it?

DjSkeejay Member Posts: 8


edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
I just bought the Acer Nitro 5 AN515-51 with the i5-7300hq, 8gb or ram, gtx 1050 4gb gpu, 256gb m.2 ssd, 320gb WD scorpio HDD for extra storage (came out of old laptop) , THIS THING IS A BEAST BY THE WAY, I sometimes play cpu & gpu intensive games like PUBG, and Battlefield 1 out in the living room using via HDMI to TV with controller (runs great still) with my frinds, kind of like my portable console, anyway she gets HOT! after couple hours of gaming, so I give it a 15-30 min break. Is that ok? What is everyones recomendations? Im eventually buys a cooling pad (will I see better performance). This is my 1st laptop in awhile and I have a high end desktop I normally use for gaming. Is my laptop ok for gaming like this without hurting it?

Best Answers


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    You could try monitoring the temperatures with a utility like HWmonitor, if it goes above 90°C, you can undervolt it and use a cooling pad, if the temps are around 80°C, that should be fine.
  • DjSkeejay
    DjSkeejay Member Posts: 8


    Thank you and I have been, The highest temp was playn PUBG for an hour an half or so, got up to 72 C. Is that ok?
  • DjSkeejay
    DjSkeejay Member Posts: 8


    i live in the upper peninsula of michigan, so it don't get too hot of ambient temps. 75 F in my house at the most. And I don't wanna mess with the warranty by undervolting or anything. is HW monitor accurate? sorry for all the questions. Just wanna take care of this thing and make it last as long as possible. I'm in the process of making a DIY cooling pad out of old case fans and a USB charging cord from a cell phone. 
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    Your temperature looks fine, you don't even need a cooling pad but it's up to you, you have to get concerned when the temps reach 85 region, undervolting won't affect your warranty as it's a software and you can uninstall it whenever you want to send the laptop for a warranty repair, you could use different temperature  monitoring programs to compare the accuracy of HWmonitor program, I have been using it for a long time and it seems fine.
  • DjSkeejay
    DjSkeejay Member Posts: 8


    Thanks brummyfan2 , I appreciate your responses here. Great to see gamers helping out in this great community. I like this place :) Just wondering, do you own a nitro 5 or similar laptop? If so, is there any advice or information I should know about, to take care of my laptop longer. I'm upgrading to 16gb of ram and a 1tb firecuda SSHD soon. That way my games load faster. Anyways thanks! 
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    You are welcome, I don't think there's any specific advice needed to take care of your laptop in my opinion but please wait for others to chime in.
  • HiepTran
    HiepTran Member Posts: 2 New User
    Have just got an Nitro 5 too. It has i7-7700HQ and VGA GTX 1050. I played WoWS with max settings, the temp is fine (around 75) when I ran on battery however it got 87 C when plugin. Is it ok if playing when plugin ??
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    HiepTran said:
    Have just got an Nitro 5 too. It has i7-7700HQ and VGA GTX 1050. I played WoWS with max settings, the temp is fine (around 75) when I ran on battery however it got 87 C when plugin. Is it ok if playing when plugin ??

    Yes, you can always connected to mains while playing games.