My Acer Aspire V5 got the problem on the backlight. How can I fix it?

budoy Member Posts: 1 New User
edited August 2023 in 2018 Archives
The Laptop's screen is still functioning but it turns dark. When I connect it to an  external monitor from desktop or a projector, it could project an image on the screen. How to fix the the screen?


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,657 Pathfinder

    It could be just a loose connection on one of the inverter ends. Try reseating these connectors, it might help. Also check connection between the video cable and the motherboard/video card. You cannot tell which part is failing the inverter board or the backlight lamp without testing the laptop with a known good backlight lamp

    Usually it is one of these faults:
    worn out backlight, that cannot power on anymore with the supplied voltage
    burnt inverter board, not powering the backlight anymore
    broken cable in the hinge, not powering the inverter board anymore
    Issue with lid switch 

    lId switch is a small button located close to the LCD screen. This button triggers the hibernation or sleep mode when the screen is closed. If the lid close switch is dirty, it might get stuck inside the laptop case and cut off the power from the inverter board

    Shutting down and powering on again sometimes helps. Also closing and opening the lid might help in case of a stuck lid switch or a dizzy embedded controler.

    The best way I can think of is testing the inverter outputs with a multimeter. But that's probably something best left to a professional, as the voltage the inverters produce is over 500 V. 

    If your device is in warranty, please contact Acer support in your region to fix the issue.

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