Spin111-31 C2W3 Running out of Space is Upgrade Possible?

alondonb Member Posts: 26 Troubleshooter
edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
Hi all,
I purchased the Acer Spin 111-31 C2W3 and it has 32G SSD drive. I can't find anywhere on the forums or online about upgrading it. Is this possible? I really love the laptop but the space available is crippling for upgrades and to be functional at all.

I am used to taking apart desktop PCs but am unfamiliar with laptop upgrades. However I'm willing to learn.

Anyone have any luck or have a link where there might be more information about this? Thank you!


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,688 Trailblazer
    Go to start and type Disk cleanup, right click and run as admin, tick the boxes mainly Windows old files, once you finished cleaning the drive, you will have enough space for Windows updates.
    You can also install a HDD/SSD up to 500 GB, you need to remove all the screws at the back, release the tabs with a plastic prying tool( or an old credit card) lift off the back cover, disconnect the battery and install the HDD/SSD.

  • alondonb
    alondonb Member Posts: 26 Troubleshooter
    Hi brummyfan2! Thank you so much for the reply and the screenshots.
    Followup questions:
    1- is there a certain kind of HDD/SSD that is best for this laptop? (order ahead)
    2- When I add the space, can I "move" what is installed? I feel like I will be forever disk cleanup for these windows updates.
     - see screenshot to show what I'm dealing with

    Thank you!

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder
    Might look here (personal opinion and not Acer's.
  • alondonb
    alondonb Member Posts: 26 Troubleshooter
    Thanks padgett! This is very helpful! I'll go through and complete these steps.
    I understand everything except:

    Finally the large hidden .sys files: First turn off Hibernation (open a Command (cmd.exe) window as administrator. Enter "powercfg /hibernate off" (no quotes). Next with 8GB RAM you can reduce the swap file (swapfil.sys) to 300-500MB. With 4GB ram I'd suggest 750-1000MB . Control Panel>System>Advanced System Settings Click on theSettings box under Performance. Adjust the Virtual Memory setting. 

    What are these that I am resetting?
  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    The first turns off hibernation which uses 2+ GB of disk space. The second reduces the amount of swap space (another 2+GB) used on the disk (after the update finishes you can restore both if you like).

    Can see both, just open a DOS box at C:\ and do a Dir/a *.sys

  • alondonb
    alondonb Member Posts: 26 Troubleshooter
    edited April 2018
    Thank you! Great news! Success! I got the update installed and for some strange reason it feels like that alone opened up space on the HD.

    1-Should I still do the hibernation and swap space?
    2- Could I add an MicroSD Card permanently to install other apps? It's sure less cumbersome than a USB stick and I'm not sure I want to go digging around installing another HD.

    Any thoughts on those?

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder
    microSDcard should work fine, 64GB U3 are pretty fast, just make sure you format it NTFS.
  • alondonb
    alondonb Member Posts: 26 Troubleshooter
    Finally got to opening my computer up. Purchased an 8G RAM stick and swapped it. However that now adds 8G Virtual Memory so the SSD is not 4G more full. Tried to move the pages.sys file to the SSD, but it is not showing up in the Performance Settings as an option for a drive. I have mounted the SSD as a folder on the C drive and it is also recognized as a D drive.

    See photos - Looks like this is an eMMC SSD - is that what you're seeing in these photos or am I missing it?
    Anything else I could do except call it a wash and purchase something new?

  • ryanpaulromerosr
    ryanpaulromerosr Member Posts: 2 New User
    Not all of them have the SATA connection (those extra numbers : determines if you have the port

    Acer Spin 1 SP111-31-C2W3

    Mine is like yours. I have been searching for a solution. None yet.
    Its like a Cell Phone Memory EMMC its a soldered chip, see the circle, it says SSD : on the opposite side is the soldered chip. Similar Models have a connection in that large open area : We do not.

  • ryanpaulromerosr
    ryanpaulromerosr Member Posts: 2 New User
    I do have a Idea : There is a USB to SATA connection you can get. It would require modification to the case: My Battery died, after I order a new one, I will be doing it, update then on how to. November mid month probably.
  • alondonb
    alondonb Member Posts: 26 Troubleshooter
    Sounds good. Thank you for the feedback!