Acer one 10 not charging, 1 sec blue LED showing

LoreWalker Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives
Hi all,

I have a pretty frustrating, but hopefully fixable problem with my Acer One 10. I think I've owned the device for a little over a year now, but would have to check the receipt to make sure.

When I plug in the charger into the port, the LED indicator will show a blue light for about once second, then switches off and nothing happens. If I pull out the micro USB and put it back in, same thing. The thing seems to have completely drained its battery by now, as I cannot switch it on.
I tried a different cable, and a different adapter (from my Sony XZ premium phone). No succes. The original adapter and cable, as well as the "replacements" I used to try and charge my device, do work on other devices (phone and a powerbank).

Is the port in my One 10 broken? Is there any other possible explanation why it won't charge?
And probably most importantly, is it fixable at all? 


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,644 Pathfinder

    Disconnect the charger, press and hold the power on button for 1 full minute. Re-connect the charger and power On the device to check the issue.

    Are you sure you are using the right charger? The one that came with it put out enough current to charge even while the computer was being used. Most third party supplies put out enough to keep it charged, but not enough to raise the charge level while the computer is on. That's what it sounds like you are experiencing. 

    The easy option to isolate the issue is by swapping the charger for another, or trying this charger on another device.  

    You can also check the adapter using a multimeter. Plug in the adapter. Wrigle the cable and check the adapter. Make sure it's putting out the rated voltage. If you see voltage or amperage that jumps around from high to low a high,  Ditch that adapter immediately.

    Hit 'Like' if you find the answer helpful!   
    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • LoreWalker
    LoreWalker Member Posts: 2 New User
    I left the laptop with the original cable and adapter plugged in whilst I was out for a hike today. I just tried holding down the on-switch. Withing a minute, my device started up and it appears the battery is fully charged. The LED indicator for showig the One 10 is charging, did not light up in any way before or after removed the cable. Now with it switched on, it shows a blue light as usual when the device is switched on.
    I just put the cable back in to check, and the battery icon on the desktop changed to the "charging" icon right away.

    My best guess right now is that somehow, the battery got drained to the point where it was unable to show it was charging, or possibly that the orange led indicator broke, or both.
    I do feel like I should add that my cable appears to be very loose once plugged in, I can move it around in all directions. Loose contact, maybe?

    Either way, my problem seems to be fixed, at least for the time being.