Maps update for Acer Nav ?

arcadiabay Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives
Hello, i have a Z6 plus with pre-installed Acer. I'm pretty happy with this car navigation app.
But i noticed that maps are from 2015 (version 945.6172) and we are in 2018!
Do you know if an update from Acer will be release in a near future ? Or is there a way to order an update on the acer website or by Tomtom ?


  • Samuel-Acer
    Samuel-Acer Moderator Posts: 710 Moderator
    Well, if the apps is not updated. I would suggest that you can use google maps. Since, google maps is inbuilt and comes with offline maps. it also offers car navigation and other transport navigation too.
  • christy1
    christy1 Member Posts: 1,619 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    Try driverhere app. it can also help you.i use it for past 5yrs
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