Trying to find any information about Bios V1.11 Not sure if needed since no changelog listed

Cito Member Posts: 2 New User
edited August 2023 in 2018 Archives
I wanted to give some context before I just went directly in for the question due to this being an old laptop, most would probably toss it. I put 8 gig in it and a SSD and run Kali linux for testing my 'homelab' setup and love the ease of using wireshark to sit back and see what's going on when all is seemingly idle  hehe.

Laptop model: Acer Aspire 5536-5142
Serial number: LXPAW02082937120E82000

I have an old Acer laptop I got few years ago on sale at newegg. Its worked fine for couple years until the usual "black screen of death" as it's been called. None of the simple issues resolved it and while I do pc repair and work at a datacenter, maybe kinda ironic, anyhow I didn't want to take the thing apart just at the moment and put it in case and in closet. Well I didn't expect "at the moment" to turn into few years. I guess "out of sight, out of mind" saying is true.

So over the weekend I was searching for a project to spend time on and was getting my arduino and breadboard stuff to mess around with when I finally thought about the laptop. So I took it apart and did continuity test and tested capacitors, checked battery voltage and power supply voltage, including placing a dummy load onto it to check everything. So those were fine. I donned the ol' nerdy magnifying lens visor (looked like cross between dentist and jeweler) and using contact cleaner and 91% isopropyl alcohol i cleaned everything and checking the solder joints.

Everything was fine until I got to the CMOS battery which they bury that thing deep, perhaps so it costs more to repair so you just go get a new one (tinfoil hat theory hehe).
Tested voltage on the 3v lithium battery and it read 0.22v so yea "it's dead Jim". So I put a new 3v lithium in the cmos, put everything back together and cleaning everything with the 91% isopropyl and microfiber cloths so this thing looks as new as the day I first opened the box from Newegg.

Now we get to my question.

Checking the Bios on the laptop it's currently running version 1.08.
When I go to Acer's driver website for this model/serial number the latest driver is version 1.11

But I've dug and dug and dug and I can't find any information on what changed, got added, fixed, new feature, higher ram capacity allowed or fixes for certain OS's I have no clue.

So does anyone know or know where to find this information or have idea what was added/fixed/changed in System Bios 1.11 as opposed to the current 1.08 I currently run on an old Acer Aspire 5536-5142?

Sorry for bit of a longwinded story to get to the question but thank you for your time. I even tried calling their support which forwarded me to paid support and paid support told me they do not support Bios on laptops... Which being an outsourced jobber I wanted to chuckle at how that was put by 'paid support' but anyhow the curiosity about what all is new in 1.11 is annoying me...course I haven't quite got to the level of "Mills" yet begging to know "What's in the box?!?" (for the many that get that reference)


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Version 1.11 probably fixes a relatively insignificant issue. Not worth fooling with. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Cito
    Cito Member Posts: 2 New User
    Alrighty, thanks for the help. Even a second opinion can help hehe.

    I slapped a ssd in it and put a light Linux distro and everything is good to go so unless bios 1.11 added some feature or sped up something or whatnot then I'll leave it working as is.