How can I fix or troubleshoot display quality issues

Squeek Member Posts: 2 New User
edited November 2023 in 2018 Archives
Recently I had an issue with my internet and during that time I noticed that I had a display quality issue - on darker or black screen I had little coloured dots like the snow effect you get on a tv channel that is off air though not quite so intense. I had assumed it had something to do with the poor quality internet signal and didn't worry about it. But now the internet connection has been been repaired and I have checked the signal and by all accounts we are getting a strong signal with download and upload speeds where they are meant to be but the "snow" is still there. I have had some other issues creep up since the last Windows 10 update that I have been able to fix but I am at a loss on this one. Has anyone any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or to fix this issue? Bear in mind that though I am reasonably intelligent and can follow instructions and am not intimidated by computers, I am not horribly computer savvy. 


  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,524 Pathfinder

    Please let us know the model number of your device.

    If the issue has been caused by the recent windows update, Open the Device Manager and expand the Display devices. Look for the Intel chipset and right-click it. Select Update driver allow the driver to update. Restart your system and the problem ought to be resolved. If there is no update available, then it’s possible the driver has already updated and the new version of the driver is causing problems. In this case, roll back the update.

    Let us know the status of the issue. We will be glad to assist u further.

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    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Squeek
    Squeek Member Posts: 2 New User
    I checked the chipset and I have the best drivers. So it isn't that, but I appreciate the suggestion. The model number of my laptop is AN515-51