End of the technical support

laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer
edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives
For information:

"When will the abApps service end?
We will stop providing all technical support for Acer BYOC Apps (abApps) on September 30, 2018. We heavily encourage you to back up all photos and documents in abPhotos and abDocs to your local storage. Files from other abApps will still be able to be found in their original devices without being affected.  
The photos backed up via abPhotos are actually stored in "abPhotos folders" in the C drive of [Users/This PC name/Pictures] on your Personal Cloud Storage (PCS). If you've changed its default storage location, you can find your backed up photos through the following steps:
Launch abPhotos on your PCS > click the Acer ID on the upper-left corner > Device > click the backup storage location link under PCS to find all your photos.

The documents synced to abDocs are actually stored in the PC from which they were originally uploaded. If you can't find the location of the original document in the abDocs app on your PC or the backed up documents on other PCs, you can download those documents by signing into abDocs on the other PCs and then following these steps:
Click and select the document in abDocs > Edit > Download as > choose the storage location on your PC where you wish to back up the file.

Source: Acer BYOC Apps announcement - Link