Z271 - Monitor No Picture,

Dajakko Member Posts: 1 New User
edited January 2024 in 2018 Archives
Good Day! Let me cover the basics first. Heres my Setup.
ASUS m5a99x Evo R2              -Mobo
ASUS GeForce GTX 1070 Strix  -Video Card
AMD FX-8350 Black Edition      -Cpu
16 G Ram
Win 10 X64
Acer Predator z271 Curved LCD
All drivers etc are up to date

Monitor worked great for the first year, After which the monitor just stopped working.
No hardware or software changes to the rig everything was status quo. As it was under warranty I sent it
back to Acer for repair. returned stating No Fault found. Monitor still does not work.
So I automatically thought I may have made a mistake. Grabbed spare monitor (Old Dell 2407wfp) and every available cord I have.
checked the rig, Works great, made sure everything was up to date. Check. Dell monitor shows all works well using white digital cable. Good picture in any resolution. Checked HDMI from 1070 on a few TVs I have. Good output, no issues. Used DVI adapter to dell monitor to check 1070 DVI output, works well.  All of these tests were done 2wice with different cables just to make sure there was no chance of connector issues. Also hooked the monitor to different computers just to make sure.

So that bring me to symptoms. For all intents and purposes the computer believes the Monitor is functioning properly. Turns on, Backlights, Power LED (blue) works. instantly recognized and moved to my 2 screen setup when attached. Icons/mouse Can move off screen. Identified as Predator monitor etc etc working properly in device manager. Shows on display options. With any connection to the monitor it acts properly. Just no picture.
Checked Monitor menu no response any button or switch. No menus or input notifications appear.
Stumped, but maybe its why Acer sent it back; tested ok. If hooking up to a test rig with the behavior
its showing now it would check out (unless they were actually visually watching the screen)
Since additional talks with Acer did nothing and I am not paying a fortune (Again) to ship it back to the repair facility.
Disassembly time.
Took it apart no issue. Inspected the boards individually. No hotspots or messy/compromised solder, Capacitors, resistors all look to be in good health. Tested well. and I got to thinking.  This monitor has its own board and what looks to be a processor with its own little heat sync. It is, G-Sync board K revision processor. I know it worked well for some time but read that alot of people weren't happy with these G-sync Kits.When running on the processor itself there are 2 LEDs (D51 green flashing, D52 red solid) as labelled on the board.
So there it is. My guess after all this is that either the Processor or board itself are pooched (leaning toward processor as it would seem to fit the issues better)

Any questions or theories Please let me know. I would love the help! I can post pictures as i still have it disassembled and as stated it runs (sans picture of course)

Sorry For the length just wanted as much info out there as poissible.
