I would like to upgrade to this Acer EB321HQUwidp 31.5" Input lag

michal89chz Member Posts: 7 New User
edited February 2024 in 2018 Archives
Hello guys, I have quick question. I have now Philips 32' 1080p IPS 323E7QDAAB and I am very happy with it's low input lag but resolution is to low for my needs (gaming)
 I would like to upgrade to this Acer EB321HQUwidp 31.5 but problem is I am not sure about input lag because there is no reviews  at all around internet. I have really bad input lag on my secund monitor Aoc u3477pqu... and I don't want to do agin same mistake. How it is about input lag on that Acer EB321 ? Will it be at least same low like on that Philips? Aoc is really really terrible in that case. If you have other options for monitor then it must be 1440p IPS and 32'. Thank's

(english is my secund language, sorry for mistakes) 
 [Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • michal89chz
    michal89chz Member Posts: 7 New User
    no one? Nothing?
  • ven98
    ven98 ACE Posts: 4,073 Pathfinder
    Can you explain what do you mean by an input lag? Do you mean that you experience sluttering and screen tearing?
    Always post the following characterisitcs of the device:
    -Model number
    -Part number(not required, but helpful)
    -Operating system

    Helios 300 and Nitro 5 users DO NOT update the BIOS to version 1.22 if you don't want the keyboard's backlight to turn off after 30 seconds even when the device is plugged in.

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  • michal89chz
    michal89chz Member Posts: 7 New User
    Delay from move of mouse/keyboard to reaction on the screen
  • ven98
    ven98 ACE Posts: 4,073 Pathfinder
    Keyboard and mouse delays are not because of the monitor. Most likely it is an issue with your system or windows settings.
    Always post the following characterisitcs of the device:
    -Model number
    -Part number(not required, but helpful)
    -Operating system

    Helios 300 and Nitro 5 users DO NOT update the BIOS to version 1.22 if you don't want the keyboard's backlight to turn off after 30 seconds even when the device is plugged in.

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  • michal89chz
    michal89chz Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited January 2018
    OK mate if you don't know what you are saying then don't help and go read about input lag/display lag of the monitor. Your knowledge is nowhere near my question. 
  • michal89chz
    michal89chz Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited January 2018
    You should check if you know what you are saying, wrong and XXXX reply like in this case can hurt someone's wallet.

    [Edited post to removed unallowed content - Acer-Manny]
  • ven98
    ven98 ACE Posts: 4,073 Pathfinder
    You just don't ask the question properly. It isn't called input lag, but response time(the time it takes for a pixel to change colour)is what you are probably talking about.
    Always post the following characterisitcs of the device:
    -Model number
    -Part number(not required, but helpful)
    -Operating system

    Helios 300 and Nitro 5 users DO NOT update the BIOS to version 1.22 if you don't want the keyboard's backlight to turn off after 30 seconds even when the device is plugged in.

    Hit 'Like' if you find the answer helpful!   
    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!

  • michal89chz
    michal89chz Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited January 2018
    Agin you are wrong, go read about input lag of the display. I cant put a link here due to rank on forum but if you cant google ,,monitor input lag'' on wikipedia then you are an XXXX. I have nothing to check agin on this forum. Go lern some thing kid and then try to help people. Or stay an *****.BB.

    [Edited post to removed unallowed content - Acer-Manny]
  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru
    edited January 2018
    Hi michal89chz,

    I recommend you to contact you local Acer support center for better assistance: https://www.acer.com/ac/en/GB/content/service-contact

  • michal89chz
    michal89chz Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited January 2018
    xxxxx, better answare on my post. 

    [Edited post to removed unallowed content - Acer-David]
  • PatrikK
    PatrikK Member Posts: 2 New User

    I'm thinking of buying this monitor. I have three questions.
    Which version of HDMI has this monitor?
    What is the difference between EB321HQU AWIDPX and EB321HQU BBMIDPHX?
    EB321HQU BBMIDPHX available in Czech Republic, Europe?

  • ebilcake
    ebilcake Member Posts: 6 New User
    edited April 2018
    No problems with input lag on mine, comparable if not better than a 6ms display I've come from which would make sense from the specs, it's a great monitor for gaming imo. 

    I've left overdrive setting normal, I see no reason in changing it.
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