E1-570 : ACER care center installed but no window open when I click on link. Why ?

lauli Member Posts: 2 New User
edited August 2023 in 2018 Archives
Hello, I need to check my HDD health (Deffragler says it has problems but chkdsk not :/ ), so I've seen on Acer web site that I need "ACER care center". I look for the ACER tools already installed - Acer recovery management, ID card, Live updater - but "care center" was not here (not here anymore ?). I've also noticed that liveUpdater wasn't updating anything : nothing update as far as it remembers although there is new 2017 drivers on website...
So I download care center W10 version, install it on system drive, check it was really here (OK). I click on the tool, windows appear to ask me if I'm OK for change (OK), a green window appears quickly and... nothing more ! In task manager, "ACCstd" processus run in backward but nothing on screen.
My computer : E1-570, bought in december 2015 with W8. All windows update succeed , even W10 update 1709 (with some difficulties but at least I have won !). No hardware change, I just make partitions to separate pagefile, software and data, for a very fast starting.
My questions : what's happened ? what can I do to run in anyway the "PC checkup" (included or not in acer care center)

Best Answer

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    As I said, it may not work properly on you machine under Win10. These "convenient" ACER apps were only guaranteed to work properly with the original factory-shipped Windows version. This is one of the drawbacks of installing Win10 on older machines. If you want to check the "health" of your HDD, open Win10 Control Panel again. Then search "disk management" and click on the adminstrative partition tools on the left side. Disk Management will show if your HDD partitions are healthy. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    I suggest you let Win10 defrag your HDD thru the Win10 control panel. Some tools and apps may not work properly in Win10 on machines that had earlier factory-installed WinVers. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • lauli
    lauli Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hello, I start the W10 defrag but I found nowhere an indication on HDD health (= warning to say if hardware has to be changed or not). In windows tools, it's the job of chkdsk. I was just looking for another tool to be sure that my HDD is safe. Because it's an ACER material I supposed ACER tool are the most convenient to know health of their HDD disk. So my question in how to make ACER "PC checkup" works ?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    As I said, it may not work properly on you machine under Win10. These "convenient" ACER apps were only guaranteed to work properly with the original factory-shipped Windows version. This is one of the drawbacks of installing Win10 on older machines. If you want to check the "health" of your HDD, open Win10 Control Panel again. Then search "disk management" and click on the adminstrative partition tools on the left side. Disk Management will show if your HDD partitions are healthy. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • doneedhelp
    doneedhelp Member Posts: 1 New User
    To JackE, Many thanks for you support however, I must admit that personnally I am not please with the answer.
    I have currently the same issue highlighted here on my Acer Laptop. 1st of all, I discovered that ACC was no longer present after the installation of the latest version of Win10. So, as a good customer I looked at the Acer Support page on Acer.com and what do I get :  a link to download ACC from the windows page and well under Windows 10. Therefore, I would believe that if we can find a tool in a Win10 section, Acer would then provide a working application!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    doneedhelp---Sorry I can't find it for the OP's model? Did you find it on the US or NV site? Thanks. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • iamphoenix
    iamphoenix Member Posts: 13


    same issue with


    this model fits into the "This is one of the drawbacks of installing Win10 on older machines"  category?

    update has NEVER found an update and other than updating manually from the acer website (im not even sure that besides the bios updates the others listed are up to date)

    Add this on top to my old AV showing literally dozens of firmware and other updates that i am unable to find, even tried the intel upgrade assistant which was garbage..... THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING

    windows update doesnt find any of these either

    like leaving people vulnerable with more and more vulnerabilities and exploits found all the time.

    ACER your going to leave me hanging with a generic response of passive dismissal or a real solution?????

    Recently was wondering.. i have a lot of features in the privacy settings tab opting out as much as possible so perhaps that could be an issue and if so which would i need to enable?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    @iamphoenix   >>> "This is one of the drawbacks of installing Win10 on older machines"  category?>>>

    This shouldn't be the category on the G9-593. On this model, the category should be "This is one of the drawbacks of an earlier factory-installed Win10 version on a newer machine". The latest Win10 version might as well be called  Win13 by now. And due to Microsoft's new and unimproved lifecycle and heavy-handed rapid-fire update policies, the next major new Win10 update version should be released and installed later this year. So if you buy a brand-new system today with the latest factory-installed Win10 version, you can probably rest-assured that it probably won't work correctly or at all after the next major Win10 update gets installed on it later this year. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/13853/windows-lifecycle-fact-sheet   :#

    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ