Acer Spin 5 Function keys with or without Fn holding, function keys F1 - F12 works while holding FN



  • AndiW
    AndiW Member Posts: 3 New User
    I finally found it!!!

    There is no such option in the SP513-52N BIOS v1.0.0 as delivered with the computer. You will have to download the 1.0.1 BIOS from ACER and install it, then you get the missing option. To do that, reboot, log in on an administrator account and run the executable in the downloaded file. Then wait for the BIOS to install, shut down, start and press Fn-F2 (for the last time!), go in the menu, change the setting and HOORAY!

    After fixing the speakers in the afternoon (which sounded like a layer of sheet metal on top before I installed new drivers), I now start liking my new computer and just changed the ** rating in Amazon to **** because it is now usable for me. One star down for having to manually upgrade BIOS and at least two drivers (sound, fingerprint) of a freshly bought computer to get it work correctly.


  • Skagerstrom
    Skagerstrom Member Posts: 7


    AndiW - You're the MVP!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    The main screenshot is for v1.00. CPU shouldn;t make a difference. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    That's awesome Andreas. Congrats on the fix! Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • kozc
    kozc Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi guys! Late to the party
    Bought my SP513-52N in March 2018 and had the same issue. However, I didn't have to download the 1.0.1 BIOS as mine came with the Function key in the BIOS (presumably because it was manufactured in 2018 itself)

    I use Excel a lot in my daily life and had always been used to using the F2 button to rename files or edit cells.

    This basically saved a huge part of my life!

    Thanks to all of you! You guys are the greatest!

    (Now if only the Windows update could rectify the touchpad scrolling in MS Excel which caused another headache)

    Otherwise, it's a great laptop so far!
  • WishKnew
    WishKnew Member Posts: 2 New User
    JackE said:

    Thanks for posting the keyboard picture since it helps me understand your issue. The keyboard specs that I have are for the SP513-51 which seem to have the normal keyboard upon which the FN key must also be depressed to enable the F# hotkey functions. What exact model number do you have?

    OK. Try this. Completely power down the machine. Start tapping the F2 button. Then, while still tapping the F2 button, press the power button to turn the machine back on. This should get you into the BIOS menu. Go to the MAIN dropdown to change the function key behavior. Then save and exit the setting. Report back.


    Jack E/NJ

    IT WORKED 100%! Thank you so much!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    @WishKnew Congrats on your success too! Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • C4R3W
    C4R3W Member Posts: 4 New User
    Hello, I think I need to revive the topic: it appears that the option to switch the function key behavior on my new SPIN 1 (SP111-32N) is missing in BIOS. The unit shipped with version 1.01, upgrade to 1.06 did not solve the problem. The "Function key behavior" option cannot be found under the MAIN section in BIOS. This is very inconvenient as I work with function keys a lot, it's a reason to even consider returning the device -> has somebody come across this situation, that even with 1.01 and newer versions the option is not visible?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Try to set a BIOS supervisor password to see if this switch appears after re-entering the BIOS menu with the password. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • C4R3W
    C4R3W Member Posts: 4 New User
    Hi, thanks! I tried that before but to no avail - I read through several threads (including this one) before posting further, so on top of the password attempt, I also tried several tricks found on-line to enabled the advanced features in BIOS but none seemed to work. Frankly, I think that unless I do some kind of OS-level remap, I'm running out of options...
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    @C4R3W Well here's what your SP111-32N  user manual has to say about that. 8^) If you're still under warranty, you might ask about this feature that you can't seem to find. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • C4R3W
    C4R3W Member Posts: 4 New User
    @JackE: Yep, this is where I started from :) The device is one day old, so I already contacted the support and they tried to convince me that this was not possible. After referring them to the manual, they told me that "it's probably to change functionality of different keys", without giving much regard to the fact that the option itself was not there at all :D Anyway, they promised to test on some in-house device and "let me know"... :) Thanks for your help so far, though!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    I suggest not waiting too long to hear back from them. Keep bugging them via email, phone or whatever other kind of contact options you have. I'm gonna guess support will say it's just a misprint so you gotta live with it. If it were mine, this unswappable default setting would be enough of an annoyance & flaw that I'd have return the machine to the vendor for a refund. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • C4R3W
    C4R3W Member Posts: 4 New User
    Surprisingly enough, they actually did respond after ca. 2 days, claiming "the problem will be solved with the next BIOS update". Now there are two questions:

    1) Will it really?
    2) When is the new BIOS update coming up?

    After a while I got used to this annoying feature so I decided to keep the laptop (after swapping the N3350-powered version to N4200 with larger storage) but still annoys me. 

    Will keep this thread updated once I test the new BIOS version. 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    You could ask them for an estimated release date on the new BIOS. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • leonoooo
    leonoooo Member Posts: 1 New User
    my pc is spin111-32,I have updated my bios version and the same to the former guys , I can NOT find function key option either! I wonder who design the function key is precedent to F1-12 hot key?, which makes no sense. who will always change the light of screen? or change the sound ? this is such a bad design! and amazingly, there is no way for my laptop to change it! unbelievable
  • OtisYY
    OtisYY Member Posts: 1 New User
    AndiW said:
    After fixing the speakers in the afternoon (which sounded like a layer of sheet metal on top before I installed new drivers)
    Hi Andreas

    Could I ask how you fixed the speaker problem?  Which new driver did you install and what was the process to install it?

    I've recently switched to an Aspire A315-51 and the sound - as you describe - is terrible.  With my old HP G6 I usd to have the same issue after each Windows update and had to reinstall speaker drivers to fix it.  Not sure where to start on this new laptop so I currently link it to a bluetooth speaker which is a pain.

    If anyone else knows the route help would be appreciated as I'm getting tired of chargeing the speaker!

    Thanks in advance.

  • swift1a
    swift1a Member Posts: 2 New User
    From two days I have brand new Acer Swift 1 (SF114-32) model 2018. Please help me. In the BIOS (by F2) there at Boot menu there is two options - [Media Key]: Perform the media function by default. Hold the Fn key to activate F1 to F12. [Function Key]: Activate F1 to F12 by default. Hold the Fn key to perform media function.
    Ok. That's fine, but in fact!!! both options working like regime [Media Key] !!! So, I cannot disable this awful Fn key. What can I do, please, help me! 
    By hold F2 at starting Acer, I went to BIOS, which is called InsydeH20 Setup Utility, and at the Main menu, I go to Function key behavior, which doesnt work correctly!!! In Windows 10 Home I have only option "Fn key able" whatever  I choose - [media Key] or [Function Key]. 
    I cannot writing normally and use my keyboard keys!
  • swift1a
    swift1a Member Posts: 2 New User
    swift1a said:
    From two days I have brand new Acer Swift 1 (SF114-32) model 2018. Please help me. In the BIOS (by F2) there at Boot menu there is two options - [Media Key]: Perform the media function by default. Hold the Fn key to activate F1 to F12. [Function Key]: Activate F1 to F12 by default. Hold the Fn key to perform media function.
    Ok. That's fine, but in fact!!! both options working like regime [Media Key] !!! So, I cannot disable this awful Fn key. What can I do, please, help me! 
    By hold F2 at starting Acer, I went to BIOS, which is called InsydeH20 Setup Utility, and at the Main menu, I go to Function key behavior, which doesnt work correctly!!! In Windows 10 Home I have only option "Fn key able" whatever  I choose - [media Key] or [Function Key]. 
    I cannot writing normally and use my keyboard keys!
    I'm not sure, but I think I found my way to fix that big problem! After change default BIOS [Media Key] to [Function Key], then I save it and go to Windows 10, again I cant use my regular keys, but after holding "Fn" and F12 (NumLk), then the awful Fn keys was finally disabled from my keyboard!!! Thank GOD!!! Now I can normally use my new laptop Acer Swift 1 (SF114-32). 
    Get success to everybody with that Acer model 2018. Greetings from Bulgaria. 
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