Bad problem Acer VN7-791G

djneji Member Posts: 8


edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives
Good evening,
it's been 6 months i think after my computer started to behave really badly.
I'll try to explain myself as good as possible.

I turn on the pc and everything's fine and works like a charm, but when I start to watch something or start gaming, after a while
the notebook starts to make these incredible high volume noises from the speaker hole. They start as whispers and become really
annoying and loud at the end. At first from the right speaker (right corresponding to the user pov sat in front of the pc) and at the
end both speaker make noises.
The music/sounds from the game/movie is still audible and steady, but the noise is unbearable.
The computer is just 2 years old.
What I tried:
1) I tried to see if fans were the problem --> used RW everything and they're not. Even at the min/max speed the noise remain the same
2) I thought maybe putting the pc on mute would change something while watching something or playing or using headphones--> No, the
noise is still audible and come from the same spots in the pc (speaker "vents")
3) I tried to see if the hdd was alright and made a quick test with HDtune --> No bad zones were found
4) I tried to update audio, chipset drivers and bios --> The noise still remain.
5) I checked the temperature of CPU and GPU for a week and both values are not high.

I really don't know what to do right now, is there someone that can help me in some ways?
The pc has W10 fall edition installed.


  • djneji
    djneji Member Posts: 8


    6) I opened and removed every trace of dust I saw, which wasn't much btw

    Here's a video of the noise
  • djneji
    djneji Member Posts: 8


    Please, help! 
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Have you checked the fan blades for any contact with the cover? You may have to get it serviced by a local repair shop or if you want to do it by yourself, dismantle it and apply a drop( tiny amount) of 3 in one oil to the fan spindle.
  • djneji
    djneji Member Posts: 8


    > @brummyfan2 said:
    > Hi,
    > Have you checked the fan blades for any contact with the cover? You may have to get it serviced by a local repair shop or if you want to do it by yourself, dismantle it and apply a drop( tiny amount) of 3 in one oil to the fan spindle.

    Hi, unfortunately yes, I opened it up and checked the fans. They're both fine :(
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    edited October 2017
    Then I suspect the sound coming from the spindle as I have mentioned earlier but I have no idea how to remove the spindle cover in your model, I would suggest you to take it to a repair local shop and get it done.
  • djneji
    djneji Member Posts: 8


    > @brummyfan2 said:
    > Hi,
    > Then I suspect the sound coming from the spindle as I have mentioned earlier but I have no idea how to remove the spindle cover in your model, I would suggest you to take it to a repair local shop and get it done.

    It seems unlikely because when i put the fans to low speed the noise is still the same.
  • djneji
    djneji Member Posts: 8


    > @brummyfan2 said:
    > Hi,
    > Then I suspect the sound coming from the spindle as I have mentioned earlier but I have no idea how to remove the spindle cover in your model, I would suggest you to take it to a repair local shop and get it done.

    It seems unlikely because when i put the fans to low speed the noise is still the same
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    OK, I couldn't think of anything else, I think it needs to go for an inspection by a technician and a service.
  • djneji
    djneji Member Posts: 8


    I think i'll bring it to a technician this afternoon, thank you btw.
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Sorry, couldn't be of any help, good luck.
  • djneji
    djneji Member Posts: 8


    No problem, don't worry i'll try to find a solution. Hope also that someone has an idea :D