Acer Aspire E5 - 772 - 3519 Power socket connection in laptop problematic

Figgis Member Posts: 77 Devotee WiFi Icon

I have had my Acer laptop for under two years and it has been away for major repairs twice already. Recently I bought a new power lead/charger as I was experiencing intermittent problems in charging. The pin did nor seem to connect properly in the socket of the laptop so I thought buying a new charger would solve the problem. The new charger is a bit better but did not solve the problem.  if I wiggle the pin and it starts charging and I hold it in that position it continues to charge. Problem is as soon as I relax the connection is undone and the charging stops again. I now have to use the laptop on a tray and try to 'prop' the pin against the side of the tray. This works best but is not a solution.


Has anyone else had this problem and how was it resolved. I dread having to send it back for further repairs. All my stuff has to be removed and I have to set it all up again once it comes back. I use three browsers and a mail client, have many saved bookmarks.


I'm not impressed with Acer. I had a Toshiba and a Dell laptop before this one. Between them they lasted over ten years and when each of them went wrong I felt I had sufficient use from them I bought a new one. I will be very surprised if this Acer survives to three years.


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