Display issue Aspire E5-575G

cuse165 Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives
I have Acer Aspire E5-575G I have a question about my display and graphics card. Some window text look crystal clear and other windows text are blurry and not sharp hard to see and read. Is this any of my graphics card or type of display full(1080P) I have or some kind of setting. I have two graphics card one Nvidia Geforce and a basic Intel HD Graphics my screen resolution is at recommend. The windows that seem to be blurry are instrumentation and secondary windows. Never happens in Windows OS 3red party apps I thinking that there program is not built or my screen resolution so it does this........ Some pictures: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtxxebpM5QtOgrQwKlHTTwVZBme1ew