Acer Aspire 0722 runs slow. I inadvertently upgraded to Windows 10 and now it runs horrible

crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Acer Aspire 0722 runs slow.  I inadvertently upgraded to Windows 10 and now it runs horrible.  My wife is a cioncer patient, so I have not gotten back to previous messages in a while.  I think I need to go back to Windows 7.  Do I need to start all over or can I somehow recover.  I did a restart from scratch a few years back and I remeber it asked for a password of some kind and I had tgo pay to get past that. 


Can anyone please help me out?



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    You should be able to upgrade back to Win7 using the Alt+F10 coldboot method as shown in this video if the Win10 installation hasn't also wiped your hidden eRecovery partition. 


    You have the option of saving your data but you may have to re-install some software and apps that weren't included in its  original factory-shipped state. Win7 updates must also be re-done of course.


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • doughjohn
    doughjohn Member Posts: 353 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon



    If you do get back to W7 using the excellent help provided above, I suggest Belarc Adviser to view and print out the specification of your machine and Operating System.  It will list the Licence Key which may be invaluable in the future.


    If in doubt please ask.

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    Thank you. 

    I have tried and Alt and F10 do nothing, all continues to win10 sign in.  Do I have to be hard-wired to the network to make it work.  It is like it ignores the alt f10 totally.  Please help

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    Tap F2 to get into the BIOS menu on a cold boot. In the MAIN dropdown menu, make sure the D2D recovery is enabled. Then F10 to save and exit. Retry the ALT+F10 cold boot eRecovery method again. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    Thank you.

    I tried F2 and it continued to take me into Win10 and sis not work. 

    So I tried to do the Revovery Management and reset (not theone that wipes the disk drive).  It seemed to be working, I answered several prompts and after a couple of hours the screen went blank but not off.  I had to move the machine to another room and did so.  left over noight and the screen was still blank but not off.  Unresponsive.  I powered it off and on and it gave a message that something went wrong and the reset was cancelled.  Any help appreciated! 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    We must try to get into the BIOS menu again. Press and hold the power button till the machine shuts off. About 5 seconds. Before you press the power button again to turn it back on, tap and continue tapping the F2 key. While still tapping the F2 key, press the power button. Keep tapping the F2 key till you get in. We must make sure the D2D recovery option is enabled. Jack E/NJ   

    Jack E/NJ

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    Ok,  I will try that this evening (I'm on CST) and let you know.  Thank you.

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    Thanks.  Took several times with tapping F2 to get to that menu.  Finally got it to the BIOS menu.  The D2D recovery option was already enabled.  It took several times then for Alt F10 tapping to work.  It did not bring up a menu as the video presented, but said on the screen something to the effect of "....repairing.....".  I kept checking back for 1 1/2 hrs and the screen was lighted but blackish in color???  Possible I tapped Alt F10 too much or ???  I had to leave it and come to work.  Not sure what to do next.  Power down and try again?  (GOAL is Still trying to get from Win10 back to Win7.)

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    >>>I had to leave it and come to work>>> Power down and try again?  >>>


    Some Win10 installations are unfortunately known to wipe or otherwise disable the hidden ACER Win7 eRecovery partition upon which the ALT+F10 method depends. So when you get back from work, yes, I think powering down is the next step to see what happens. If Win10 still persists, then yes again, try the ALT+F10 method one more time.


    If Win7 still isn't back, then go to, select USA, then click on eRecovery in the upper right hand corner. Enter your machine's serial number id and order the Win7 eRecovery USB stick media specific to your machine.  I'm not sure what the price is now but I think it's still under $50. If all goes well it, should bring your machine back to a factory-fresh Win7 state---it's not clear if you can also salvage your personal files so it's best to get as many of those copied over to a USB stick ASAP.


    Jack E/NJ 


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    Went to Acer as described and put in my snid.  It indicated that only a CD is available for my model, even though I do not have a cd drive built in. 

    So I Think I should be able to go to F2 on cold boot and change the boot sequence and attach my portable external drive and use the recovery CD? 


    Then once back to Win7 I can change the boot sequence back to the HD and continue with win7 and all the updating, etc?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    >>>inadvertently upgraded to Windows 10 and now it runs horrible>>>


    The external DVD USB Win7 drive recovery disk ***should*** work OK. But before you order it, what did you mean by "runs horrible"? Like slow? And/or one or more device drivers don't work or work right anymore? And how did this "inadvertently" happen? Clicking on the original MS free-upgrade offer? Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    IO tried to reply with the latest status, but I don't see it posted.  Sorry if this is a duplicate.


    I tried the acer store and entered my snid.  it indicated that there was only a CD for revcovery, no stick (USB).  I also called the 800 number and they confirmed it.  Problem is my O722 does not have a CD drive. 


    Can I go to F2 and change the sequence to boot from a CD?  And will that work witha portable CD drive (USB)?  Then is it possible to recover that way aand when loaded back to win7, change the boot to be from the hard drive?  I'm grasping here.




  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    Yes, It runs extremely slow.  It is frustrating to navigate for us.  Just going to the internet is slow.  I click on th icon and can literally walk away and come back.  Using excel on simple spreadsheets and word docs is very slow to the point of frustrating.


    Here's swhat I mean by inadvertantly.  I would continually get messages that Win10 was available and could get a free upgrade.  I  didn't want to do that.  I would get these reminders a lot.  I would normally x out of it to continue worlking on what I was doing.  I wasn't paying attention, and I clicked the wrong place and the upgrade process started.  It was a mistake, I was tired and, didn't pay close attention.  I called a friend and he said not to mess with it and let it go.  I didn't know how to go back.


    As I mentioned my wife is sick but recovering pretty well.  She will not use the Acer and Win10 as it is frustrating to her also and we need something to use at home (that is not a phone).  I an continuing to work 2 jobs and don't have much timeat night by the time I get home.  I recently had to view a bunch of online training for one job and had to spend some time on the Acer.  It reminded nme that I needed to get back into it and try to get it back more usable.   


    Sorry this is so long, just trying to answer the ?s 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    OK. I understand the frustration. Yes, the external USB DVD disk should work. If not, we can make a bootable USB installation stick from the DVD disk with a freeware utility call Rufus.


    BUT if you inadvertently installed Win10 less than about a month ago, we can try to roll back to Win7 by following the instructions on this link.


    Jack E/NJ



    Jack E/NJ

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    I used the link and It has been more than 31 days.  There was a lot of other information in the link also.  I have ordered a CD , but unfortunately it will not come in for about a week.  Is there anything I should try in the mean time, or to get ready, etc. or just wait until then and contact you.  Should I read about "Rufus"...? Thanks for your help.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    >>>Should I read about "Rufus"...? >>>


    Might be easier to download & run to see how it works. However, let's first see if the portable USB DVD drive will do the job. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    I expect to get my CD in the next few days.  Can you tell me if there is a particular size USB stick i should get so that we can make it bootable for us to  begin the recovery process.  I appreciate your advice and help greatly.



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    >>>And will that work with a portable CD drive (USB)? >>>


    Try the USB-powered portable drive first. I think there'll be 4 DVD disks. So, if  we have to, a 16GB stick should have enough room to make a eRecovery installation stick from the iso images of the eRecovery disks using Rufus. Also google "dvd to iso" and download one of freeware iso image creators. Rufus uses the iso image file of the DVD disk, not the disk itself.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • crossenp
    crossenp Member Posts: 26 New User

    Tried last night and since no compouter available, I posted a message with my phone.  I haven't seen it here yet this morning.  I did receive the 4 disks, (SYSTEM, RECOVERY1, RECOVERY2, LANGUAGE).


    Changed the BIOS boot to be the CD Rom/DVD (my case portable usb device.  Booted and inserted CDs as requested.


    All seemed fine until it asked for the language disk.  I inserted it, and it appeared to read, but in 30 seconds asked to indert the language disk.  This endless loop continued.  I had to power down and I retried and have the same result. Help.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    Not unusual. That's why USB sticks were invented. 8^)


    First, simply try cleaning the language disk with Windex or rubbing alcohol. If that doesn't work, then blow/suck possible dust bunnies away from inside the DVD drive's laser & sensor---remove disk, prop door open & vacuum/blow away.


    If those 2 measures don't work, probably a bad disk or at least it can't be read on that particular portable drive. Try reading it on another PC's DVD drive. If you can read it on another PC then there's one more thing we can try to end the looping. If still no joy reading it on another PC, then the ACER store owes you a replacement language disk.


    Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ