Predator Helios 300 Temperature



  • arvind210
    arvind210 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited July 2018
    I bought predator helios 300 ph315-51 few days back. I am getting 92°C on predator sense in far cry 4 on medium graphics. Is this normal or my laptop is overheating.
  • Skree
    Skree Member Posts: 97 Fixer WiFi Icon
    I am beginning to think that "helios" is a bad name for a laptop.

    Helios is the "sun god" in greek mythology.
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    edited July 2018

    Just bought this laptop few days ago and tested this while playing Witcher 3 for around half an hour with high settings. I see that from PredatorSense the CPU temperature reaches 97C while GPU around 60-80C. Is this normal? Im looking forward to heavy game this laptop for the next 2-3 years. Will this laptop breakdown within few months? Please tell me what is the normal temperature in celcius for gaming laptop in gaming session and at which point it becomes abnormal? I also upgraded the BIOS to V1.5. Thanks!

    Witcher 3... disable nvidia hair completely... this would get your GPU percentage down from 90+ to 60s.

    Also enable vsync/set FPS limit at 60.
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  • CloudX
    CloudX Member Posts: 2 New User
    I just bought my Predator Helios 300 PH315-51 last week, and started play games at this Thursday after installed a 8gb ram into it. I play Monster Hunter World for only few minutes, and the temperature already goes up to 90-96c, even though I already undervolt to 0.125v, the temperature still same.

    Im planing to use this laptop for at least 4 years, so is this a big problem which will harm my laptop life??? Hope Acer can give a solution for we customers, not finding the solution by our self.
  • Red-Sand
    Red-Sand ACE Posts: 1,892 Pathfinder
    - Hotel Hero
  • Red-Sand
    Red-Sand ACE Posts: 1,892 Pathfinder
    CloudX said:
    I just bought my Predator Helios 300 PH315-51 last week, and started play games at this Thursday after installed a 8gb ram into it. I play Monster Hunter World for only few minutes, and the temperature already goes up to 90-96c, even though I already undervolt to 0.125v, the temperature still same.

    Im planing to use this laptop for at least 4 years, so is this a big problem which will harm my laptop life??? Hope Acer can give a solution for we customers, not finding the solution by our self.
    If you have the 8th gen CPU you would undervolt to -0.140 (cpu core/cache) instead of the previously mentioned voltages.
    - Hotel Hero
  • Alexios211
    Alexios211 Member Posts: 1 New User
    My predator's fan start running faster as soon as I plug in the charger. This isnt normal. Plus it's battery life has also decreased significantly, my laptop heats up even when I play a extremely low graphic game or play videos on YouTube.
    Please help
  • Red-Sand
    Red-Sand ACE Posts: 1,892 Pathfinder
    My predator's fan start running faster as soon as I plug in the charger. This isnt normal. Plus it's battery life has also decreased significantly, my laptop heats up even when I play a extremely low graphic game or play videos on YouTube.
    Please help

    Your CPU/GPU uses more power when plugged in so higher fan speed IS normal.

    Heats up how?
    What's the temperature?
    Need more details.
    - Hotel Hero
  • orelskee
    orelskee Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited January 2019
    Hello. I would just like to share this video I saw.. and as of moment it is working for me, although I have only been using this on the game "left 4 dead 2"  I experience improvement with regards to Temp reduction. and can anyone please advise if there will be negative impact on the long run of using this method? Thank you

    My Laptop

     Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-51-766A
  • ven98
    ven98 ACE Posts: 4,073 Pathfinder
    By changing this setting you disable intel turbo boost, which means the CPU won't run at frequency higher than the base clock, which is 2.2GHz(in comparison the turbo frequency is 4.1GHz) for i7 8750H. I personally would not cap my device's performance to reduce temperature. Instead, I will look for a way to reduce temperature without crippling perfomance(undervolting, repasting, cooling pad, elevating the laptop a bit).
    Always post the following characterisitcs of the device:
    -Model number
    -Part number(not required, but helpful)
    -Operating system

    Helios 300 and Nitro 5 users DO NOT update the BIOS to version 1.22 if you don't want the keyboard's backlight to turn off after 30 seconds even when the device is plugged in.

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  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    orelskee said:
    Hello. I would just like to share this video I saw.. and as of moment it is working for me, although I have only been using this on the game "left 4 dead 2"  I experience improvement with regards to Temp reduction. and can anyone please advise if there will be negative impact on the long run of using this method? Thank you

    My Laptop

     Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-51-766A
    Follow the links in my signature or red-sand's youtube video to optimize the system to run at lower temperatures without impacting performance.
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  • xapim
    xapim ACE Posts: 7,253 Pathfinder
    edited January 2019
    My Predator Helios 300 with i5 7300hq and GTX 1060 gets a GPU temp of 78C-88C(88 being max) and a max cpu temp of 85C (usually around 77-82). Are these high? Will the laptop get damaged if I keep gaming on these settings? I use a cooling pad but it doesn't seem to be of much use. The Predator sender's max fan speed gets the temp to below 78 but I'm scared I'm killing the fans if they're over used. Should I undervolt the cpu? Or are these safe temperatures?
    Your temps are just fine but if u want to reduce them u can either undervolt, optimize windows or repaste or even all at the same time u should keep the fans on auto with coolboost on the fans always on max will reduce the fans life span a bit not much but if u don't have the need to have them on max just leave them on auto

    UserBenchmarks: Game 43%, Desk 61%, Work 40%
    CPU: Intel Core i5-7300HQ - 63.5%
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) - 41.9%
    SSD: WDC WDS200T2B0B-00YS70 2TB - 71.4%
    HDD: WD WD10SPZX-00HKTT0 1TB - 93.7%
    RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB - 76.8%
    MBD: Acer Predator G3-572

    I'm not an Acer employee. (just here to help in the best way i can)
    If my answer fixed you issue please accept it for any other users who search for it would find it quickly thanks :)
    If you want to learn more about undervolting/optimizing windows join the Predator fb group and youtube channel:

    Owner/Admin (HOTEL HERO/Red-Sand/Opoka Opoka)
    Acer support:  

  • orelskee
    orelskee Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited January 2019
    @ven98  Thank you for the information.
    @sri369   Thank you and i will follow your tweaks

  • albertdavityan
    albertdavityan Member Posts: 8


    edited March 2019
    Hi everyone,

    I am aware that lot of users have problems with CPU temperature and I know that it sometimes jump up to 95%-100% which is bad.
    Below is the best solution of all possible solutions to fix temperature issue.

    2. Confirm all actions and complete the installation.
    3. Go to Control Panel -> Power Options -> Advanced Settings.
    4. Open Processor Power Management section and go to Maximum Processor Frequency.
    5. Set Plugged In Value to -> Total MHz - 500MHz(E.g. if you have 4100MHz, set it to 3600MHz).

    6. Apply the settings.

    Note: The change above will not affect to Intel Turbo Boost technology. You CPU will still use Intel Turbo Boost.

    I hope that after the steps above you should be able to run your game as smooth as they were before without temperature issue.
    The temperature should be between 80° - 88°

    Simply like the comment if you found it helpful.
    Enjoy your games!
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    Hi everyone,

    I am aware that lot of users have problems with CPU temperature and I know that it sometimes jump up to 95%-100% which is bad.
    Below is the best solution of all possible solutions to fix temperature issue.

    2. Confirm all actions and complete the installation.
    3. Go to Control Panel -> Power Options -> Advanced Settings.
    4. Open Processor Power Management section and go to Maximum Processor Frequency.
    5. Set Plugged In Value to -> Total MHz - 500MHz(E.g. if you have 4100MHz, set it to 3600MHz).

    6. Apply the settings.

    Note: The change above will not affect to Intel Turbo Boost technology. You CPU will still use Intel Turbo Boost.
    Can you plot CPU frequency and usage percentage graphs please... preferably like while playing a game for 15 mins that puts load on CPU. I would like to see how this works. I am on windows 7, so am curious.
    Also, the way I read from forums, it limits max speed of processor. So if your processor is say 3.0 (with turbo to 3.5), and you set max state at 2.0, I do not see how turbo would get activated since you set max freq at 2.0.
    Plus, since processor speed is not limited from reaching 3, I am kinda assuming it would be hitting turbo more often (assuming it would even hit turbo speeds) thereby nullifying the effect of this.

    On a side note, when on battery, using ThrottleStop, I have turbo disabled and max speed set to 2.0 on my 7700 and it stays under 2.0 at all times.
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  • albertdavityan
    albertdavityan Member Posts: 8


    sri369 said:
    Hi everyone,

    I am aware that lot of users have problems with CPU temperature and I know that it sometimes jump up to 95%-100% which is bad.
    Below is the best solution of all possible solutions to fix temperature issue.

    2. Confirm all actions and complete the installation.
    3. Go to Control Panel -> Power Options -> Advanced Settings.
    4. Open Processor Power Management section and go to Maximum Processor Frequency.
    5. Set Plugged In Value to -> Total MHz - 500MHz(E.g. if you have 4100MHz, set it to 3600MHz).

    6. Apply the settings.

    Note: The change above will not affect to Intel Turbo Boost technology. You CPU will still use Intel Turbo Boost.
    Can you plot CPU frequency and usage percentage graphs please... preferably like while playing a game for 15 mins that puts load on CPU. I would like to see how this works. I am on windows 7, so am curious.
    Also, the way I read from forums, it limits max speed of processor. So if your processor is say 3.0 (with turbo to 3.5), and you set max state at 2.0, I do not see how turbo would get activated since you set max freq at 2.0.
    Plus, since processor speed is not limited from reaching 3, I am kinda assuming it would be hitting turbo more often (assuming it would even hit turbo speeds) thereby nullifying the effect of this.

    On a side note, when on battery, using ThrottleStop, I have turbo disabled and max speed set to 2.0 on my 7700 and it stays under 2.0 at all times.

    Hi sri369,

    Unfortunately, I can't plot graphs at the moment but I can add some details so you will be clear on it.

    I am an owner of Acer Predator Helios 300 with CPU Intel Core i7 8750H. The base clock for my CPU is 2100MHz with turbo boost up to 4100MHz.

    As an example game consider Far Cry 5.
    When I play this game with full boost(4100MHz) I get > 90° all the time. Sometimes it jumps to 95° and on some stages I am getting a hit to 100°. Once I reach 100° I get some fps drop for about 3 secs(this is a common system for Intel CPU to prevent CPU overheating).

    If I set max limit to 3500MHz I receive 80° - 88° without side effects, which seems pretty cool to play games as there is no large difference between 4100MHz and 3500MHz.

    Intel Turbo Boost technology is still working, but it is limited by the limit I set in Power Options.

    So, since the setup may take couple of minutes, I think you can try it. It is always better to see it one time rather than hear it 10 times.
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,881 Pathfinder
    Intel Turbo Boost technology is still working, but it is limited by the limit I set in Power Options.
    Thank you for that detailed explanation. From what you said, it seems to me that, though turbo is enabled, it pretty isn't getting activated IF the max speed is set below the base max in options.... if set max is over the base max speed but under the max turbo speed, turbo would get activated.

    Also, since yours is a hex core with 2.1/4.1... try setting max to 3.0 or 3.2 (instead of 3.5) and see if that helps reduce temps further. FC 5 works fine on a quad core set at max 2.8 too.
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  • xapim
    xapim ACE Posts: 7,253 Pathfinder
    FC5 always ran fine on mine at my normal temps cpu 68 gpu 63 all on ultra but of course i optimized windows/undervolted and repasted it with kryonaut first week i got it and after upgrading ram to 32 and ssd to 2tb never had any issues again i even play Anthem on ultra full screen vsync off and with the latest patch i got a fps improvement i am getting from 55/75 where i was getting form 35/45 before and we are only talking about a i5 7300HQ 1050ti

    UserBenchmarks: Game 43%, Desk 61%, Work 40%
    CPU: Intel Core i5-7300HQ - 63.5%
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) - 41.9%
    SSD: WDC WDS200T2B0B-00YS70 2TB - 71.4%
    HDD: WD WD10SPZX-00HKTT0 1TB - 93.7%
    RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB - 76.8%
    MBD: Acer Predator G3-572

    I'm not an Acer employee. (just here to help in the best way i can)
    If my answer fixed you issue please accept it for any other users who search for it would find it quickly thanks :)
    If you want to learn more about undervolting/optimizing windows join the Predator fb group and youtube channel:

    Owner/Admin (HOTEL HERO/Red-Sand/Opoka Opoka)
    Acer support:  

    CAPTAIN_RAJAN_KHANNA Member Posts: 1 New User
    hey its is work for i5-8300H cpu?

    KOSKUS Member Posts: 1 New User
    Your reg files disguised as a mp3 file and i cant load it. can i use less hz without it? will it work? idle pcs CPU is 67C. cool boost and max fans on.... i hate acer...