MrBen1987 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Hello, my V3-571 lost all power one day, it was plugged in and in use when all power was lost around 15 seconds later there was a flash of lightning outside. This makes me think some components are burnt. I have tried removing the battery and holding the power button to remove static and any power left in the system with no change.

I have tried another charger with and without the battery in, no change. I have noticed that the light on the new charger turns off when i plug it in to this laptop, the light remains on when in any other laptop.  Does this mean I have damaged components in my laptop?


This laptop is from 2012 so well out of warrenty. I am willing to take it to a repair shop but would like to have some knowlege of what it could be to see if its worth it.




  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    i think something burnt on your laptop, i suggest you to take to a computer repair shop or an electronic reparit shop.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • doughjohn
    doughjohn Member Posts: 353 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon



    One feature of a power supply is, rather than blow a fuse, it has a polyfuse which gets hot and goes open circuit.  Later resetting. 


    Search with DuckDuckGo and get....



    A Resettable Fuse is a polymeric positive temperature coefficient device that is a passive electronic component used to protect against overcurrent faults in electronic circuits. The device is also known as a polyfuse or polyswitch.



    This is what I believe you are witnessing, and YES I suspect a fried motherboard. 


    PS: You're not the real Mr Benn are you?  DuckDuckGo offers....

    Mr Benn is a character created by David McKee who appears in several children's books, and an animated television series of the same name originally transmitted by the BBC in 1971 and 1972.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer

    At best, the power board might've taken the surge and shorted out. This would explain the charger tripping off when plugged in. New power button boards are about $30. Google part # 55.M03N2.001 . Jack E/NJ


    Jack E/NJ

  • MrBen1987
    MrBen1987 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thanks for the tips guys hopefully its not the MB. I will give it to a repair shop with this info and see if they can fix it. Thanks again.