Acer xb270 hu and xb271hu owners -weird problems/ faint shadow line

Nokturnal Member Posts: 37 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited February 2024 in 2018 Archives

Hi, im trying to figure out why my monitors develop this weird faint shadow line in the top left hand corner after a few hours of gaming. I had an xb270hu that developed this issue after about 5 months of having it. So I ended up getting a recertified xb271hu and same thing. Had it for 5 months and this same line appears when the monitor has been on for a while. Its really apparent on darker backgrounds. not visible on white screens. I have a tn monitor thats a year older than my original xb270hu and Ive never had this problem with it. just the predator monitors which is kind of weird giving how expensive they are. Has anyone ever experience the issue? shadow line when warmshadow line when warm


  • jondoe1989
    jondoe1989 Member Posts: 10


    Sorry to necro a dead thread, but did you ever get it sent to Acer to figure out what was wrong? I am just getting the same issue on my xb271hu after 2 years of use. 
  • Nokturnal
    Nokturnal Member Posts: 37 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    Sorry to necro a dead thread, but did you ever get it sent to Acer to figure out what was wrong? I am just getting the same issue on my xb271hu after 2 years of use. 
    My fault for the late response. Don't really check back on here all that much. To answer your question no. It happened on my xb270hu and I got an rma through acer and got an xb271hu. after about 6 months of use the xb271hu developed the same smudge line but bigger. Researching has led me to believe its a fault with this specific model with acer. I ran into a few others who have the same exact issue. I dont know if its condensation or this phenomena called "yogore" Still using my xb271hu at the moment with the annoying smudge mark on the side. plan on upgrading to an ultrawide when the 144hz ones release and figured id just tolerate this defect until then. 
  • Nokturnal
    Nokturnal Member Posts: 37 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    heres also a youtube video with quite a few people who have the same exact mark in the same exact spot. dont know if the panel manufacturer is to blame or if its just a problem with the acer ones. never seen anyone have this issue with the asus pg279q which uses the same exact panel.
  • Nokturnal
    Nokturnal Member Posts: 37 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    also if you find a solution please be sure to write back. 
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    It sure looks the same as when I press on the bezel for my tablet. The pressure distorts the display ever so slightly giving a shadow that follows my finger around. Maybe the plastic pieces that form the frame around the display is distorting over time. It's be worth contacting Acer support again on the new one, just to get your foot in the door before warranty runs out.
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  • Nokturnal
    Nokturnal Member Posts: 37 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    billsey said:
    It sure looks the same as when I press on the bezel for my tablet. The pressure distorts the display ever so slightly giving a shadow that follows my finger around. Maybe the plastic pieces that form the frame around the display is distorting over time. It's be worth contacting Acer support again on the new one, just to get your foot in the door before warranty runs out.
    They already did a replacement with me. happened on my xb270hu and xb271hu over time. I think it could be a symptom called "yogore" which stands for runny picture. Its some sort of degradation that happens over time. Also could be some type of moisture build up because i noticed when its left off for a long period of time the line is smaller but then again the room is only at about 40% humidity all year round so Its not exceeding the humidity rating. I gave up on this monitor like I said. I'm just going to wait for the new ultrawides. thanks for the response though. 
  • Nokturnal
    Nokturnal Member Posts: 37 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    yogore picture