K242hl cycles though colours, but with exceptions...

digelander Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

*** UPDATE***

It happened again. It switched on without any problem, again when the dispositive was "cold", i.e. after a few hours being disconnected and when i switched on the multiple plug.


This time my PC saw the display as "Monitor K242HL"... so i guess that this aspect is irrelevant.

The problem seems pretty electrical, and I suspect a defective Power Supply could be the problem..

When switched on (not from standby) there's some kind of electrical peak that is able to overcome the problem. When switched on from standby, it looks like it's not sufficient, and instantaneously goes to self test mode.
Also temperature or residual charge in capacitors could have some role..





i got a K242HL BD monitor. Basically 99.9% of  times it seems stuck in self test mode, as it cycles through colours RED GREEN BLUE and B&W (chessboard pattern). There's no possibility to see OSD, yet.
My PC, connected through VGA, sees the monitor as "k242hl", correctly.

What is the most likly responsible? Power Supply? Is there a possibility that the issue is somehow "driver" related?

But, sometimes - could not understand exactly when and how - it started regularly: i see Acer logo on black screen, and everything works perfectly, OSD included.

In these two isolated cases my PC idified the secondary screen as  (generic) "Monitor" instead of "K242hl" as usual when not properly working.
I do not know if it can mean anything but looks like the monitor behaves differently sometimes, and this is clearly detected by PC.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to try the factory reset option, in these two lucky moments..

It happened 2 times in the last two days, both  times when i just plugged the AC cord (so, i mean it happened onlywhen the monitor was totally off). 
But it's not automatically succeeding..as it happened only 2 times , while i tried to replicate the situation at least 50 times..


Any advise? 
Thanks in advance
