[TC-605] How to upgarde from Windows 10 Familly to 10 PRO

pierrot10 Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Good day,


I have to reinstall and Aspire TC-605 with Windows 10 Pro. The aspire had Windows 8.


I got a new Windows 10 Pro DVD and I reinstalled the OS: However, Windows 10 Familly has been installed and I can not change the key with the key located on the box of the Windows 10 pro.


How can I now migrate or reinstall Windows 10 Pro?


I heart, the the ke is registered in the BIOS and I should upgrade the BIOS. I could download it but no way to upgrade the BIO.


As I am stressed with it, I would really appreciate if someone can tell me how to install Windows 10 Pro with the DVD and how to make sure that Windows 10 pro is actived (instead of 10 Familly)


If I need to upgrade the BIOS, could you tell me how, or how to settup the BIOS to be able to reinstall Windows 10 pro?


Many many thank for your help


  • pierrot10
    pierrot10 Member Posts: 2 New User

    I could upgarde the BIOS and I reinstalled Windows 10 Pro with DVD.


    However, I still have Windows Familly installed and I never need to enter the key of Windows 10 Pro.
    I really ask myself, how can I have installed WIndows 10 pro with a Windows 10 pro DVD, I just baugth?


    I still can not change the key from Windows update -> activate Smiley Surprised(


    Thank for your help