Acer Aspire ES1-512 Help

RedKing Member Posts: 2 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

How can a new laptop be so unbelievably bad right out of the box??? Acer, I used to think you meant Quality!!


I just bought one of these new off the internet for my mother-in-law. Normally, as the joke would go, its slow so that should annoy the mother-in-law. But no, it has annoyed me no end. First, I wiped the hard drive to get rid of all the bundleware ***** that acer put on it. That should help surely! Well, I install a clean Win 10 but its still slow and freezes and hangs. OK, OK, how about I invest another £45 in a small SSD that HAS to fix this, right? Well....a bit, but its STILL slow. I mean, having a clean install on a new ssd and no excess baggage running, I install firefox and even that takes about 20 seconds to open...seriously?? And another soul destroyer, when you click in the google search box and start automatically typing and nothing happens for 10 seconds before a few of the first letters appear and a few more seconds to complete the search that you finished typing 15 seconds ago. I mean ACER !!!! :fou:

Processor Intel Pentium Quad Core 2.4Mhz
Memory (Maximum) 4096MB (DDR3L
Hard Disk Kingston Technology 120 GB Solid State Drive 2.5 inch V300 SATA 3
Screen 15.6in HD LED Backlit LCD Anti-Glare Colour
RF Network Standard 802.11 ac
Mobile Broadband WiFi only
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Home Premium
Case Colour Red  


[inappropriate content removed]


  • WiseWords
    WiseWords Member Posts: 3 New User

    Sounds  like you should have gotten your mother-in-law an

    Acre Chromebook! They work quickly and I suspect would have most of the features needed by your mother-in-law.

    Perhaps you can exchange it. If not, it should be under warranty and you could have it checked, but if it is defective, an exchange would be best.

  • RedKing
    RedKing Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thanks for the reply. I was hoping someone had a fix. I have just noticed a ton of performance issues with this model all over the internet, so an exchange probably wouldnt fix anything but rather put me back to before the "improvements....". I cant help but think with those specs that there has to be a software issue Acer have missed on this one, im not saying it should be light speed, but its should handle browsing without lagging!! Anyway, as it was new on ebay from a non shop, I doubt they would be giving a warranty and I probably couldnt remake the old hard drive with the recovery on it either to send it for a refund - as I completely deleted all partitions and formated it and its now in an enclosure as a usb HDD. So, I either work out how to make it run like it should with the specs it has, or I put the cost down as a mistake and buy her a chromebook. Oh, I even updated the bios to the latest version which showed in earlier version 2 performance improvements....! Did THIS help...have a guess...