System interrupts using 10 percent CPU when idle Acer Aspire E15 E5-575G

loschmie Member Posts: 6


edited August 2023 in 2019 Archives

I have Acer Aspire E15 E5-575G-58EJ laptop for 2 months now.

I have windows 10 installed.

From the very begining there were constant system interrupts utilizing my cpu at 5-10%.

I've noticed it right away and tried with reinstalling Windows and it didn't help.

They were present at the same amount regardless of whether the appropriate drivers were installed or not.

I tried disabling one by one device from device manager and nothing made it disappear.

I also updated BIOS to the latest one I found on site and again to no avail.

Installed LatencyMon and everything was in green and only higher latency driver was ndis.sys.

One important remark would be that if there is something else needing processor time, system interrupts falls corespondingly.

Friends, If someone could help me solve it I would greatly appreciate it.

Best regards to all of you who find time to read this!




  • loschmie
    loschmie Member Posts: 6



    Thank you very much for the reply but I have tried it already and unfortunately it doesn't work.

    I've tried disabling almost everything I could and it didn't solve the problem.

    Yesterday I even upgraded BIOS to 1.23 version from 1.20 and nothing again.

    What I've noticed is that now it keeps it steady 10% while before few weeks ago 5% utilization was more common.

    Good thing is that it doesn't add to overall CPU utilization as when the CPU is needed for something else that maybe uses more than 10 percent "system interrupts" falls to 0.something%. Anyway it is really annoying that utilization can't go bellow 10% now.

    Have a nice day

  • RichG
    RichG Member Posts: 3 New User

    I have the same problem with an E5-575G, with the System interrupts running at 4% CPU utilization even at idle.  Finally narrowed it down to the "High Definition Audio Controller" in the System Devices section of Device Manager.  If I disable this process, the System interrupts shortly drop to zero at idle: however, I also loose all audio. 

    The audio controller appears to be a Microsoft device with Microsoft drivers.  I just updated to Win 10 build 15063 today, hoping the problem would resolve with updated Windows drivers, but without success. 

    I wish someone at Acer or Microsoft would escalate this issue.  Calling Acer tech support was really of no help unfortunately. 

  • loschmie
    loschmie Member Posts: 6




    I have tried with disabling almost every single device(not all of them of course) from device manager and still have no clue what is causing it... I tried again with disabling audio but in my case it has no effect to system interrupts. I really hope some fix or right driver will appear sometime soon. Laptop generally works fine but with 10% percent cpu utilization at idle as it never drops bellow that  figure.

  • Ariel4
    Ariel4 Member Posts: 9


    I posted in another thread about how the HD Audio Controller created the issue, but now I still have the problem regardless.


    I have installed all drivers from the Acer site straight on, and Interrupts is still using 10% CPU most of the time.


    I think it may be a problem with Storage Drive (SSD/HDD) access at this point, otherwise I'm out of ideas.

  • loschmie
    loschmie Member Posts: 6


    I still have the same problem and don't have a slightest clue what may be causing it.

  • ItsTomi
    ItsTomi Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter

    Does any of you have the Creators Update installed?


    I'm having the same problem, i spent days trying to fix it with no avail lol. (Trying to reinstall the realtek audio drivers back and forth, looking for solutions on the internet)




    Look at the darn ISR counts. This ain't normal by any means.


    Anyway this is the SECOND problem with this one partciular laptop (the first one was simply a bad motherboard (the laptop would just loose power all of a sudden for no reason) so i had to wait ALMOST A MONTH for my laptop to get repaired). And now this appears. I'm officially done with Acer - my next laptop/PC or ANYTHING certainly won't have an Acer brand on it.

  • ItsTomi
    ItsTomi Member Posts: 17 Troubleshooter

    Actually disabling and enabling the High Definition Audio Controller somehow reset the System Interrupts - but you gotta give it a min before enabling it again.

  • loschmie
    loschmie Member Posts: 6


    With me nothing seems to help solve this issue. With the newest win10 creators update interrupts even increased to 12% idle...

  • Malucovisk
    Malucovisk Member Posts: 5 New User

    Same problem, acer f5 573g 59aj. It sucks!


    10~13% system interrupts. 


    Won't buy acer again.

  • Ariel4
    Ariel4 Member Posts: 9


    Same issue here, HD driver and KernelDriver have huge ISR count on LatencyMon.

    Anyone have a fix or tried talking to support yet?
  • loschmie
    loschmie Member Posts: 6


    It is still there I just pretend it's not :tired_face: