HI.12900.040 fan CFM's

carlos8 Member Posts: 37


edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Hi, My X1470UR30P fan Model HI.1290.040 went bad. I have two replacement that work perfectly but they have diferent cfm's and RPM's each other.


Can anyome give me the original fan specs for refence. To install the closet one to stock.


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    The best solution is to disassemble the fan. You'll find a sticker on the bottom of this one: Brand and P/N

    Some information: 80x25mm - 4500RPM - Probably an AVC fan (OEM). My advise: Replace it by the same model.

  • carlos8
    carlos8 Member Posts: 37


    Pathfinder, The factory model is AVC DL08025R12U Which is 12v 0.5 amp 4500rpm.


    The replacement is the AVC DS08025R12U 12v 0.7 amp, Same frame 4400 rpm but 64 CFM a little more than the original. The 0.2 amp difference can affect the system in any way? I can always buy the original one if you recommend, isn't to expensive !!



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,402 Trailblazer



    I checked the specifications in the AVC catalog:

    • DL08025R12U: 4500RPM - 54CFM - 0.5A - 7 blades
    • DS08025R12U: 4500RPM - 64CFM - 0.7A - 7 blades (old generation)
      200mA is not a problem. You can install the 2nd model and check the CPU temperature and the speed of the fan with HWMonitor zipped version (no installation).
  • carlos8
    carlos8 Member Posts: 37


    Hi, Laurent, The fan's are working perfect. But i have aquestion, I want to install a 60mm fan in the outside upper back panel pulling the hot air out of the case, but i'm out of fan headers. Can i use a fan splitter on the system header? This header put the fan at high speed and is powering my heatsink fan. The other header is the PWM and have a 60mm pushing air out of the case in the lower back panel. Summer is coming and i are at the caribbean where you see 95F-100F with a ridicusly high humidity.