I just installed a MSI GTX 750 Ti in my Aspire TC-605 and now the front pane usb ribbon doesn't fit?

ED210 Member Posts: 3 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

First thing I'm new to the forums and this is my first post. Ok hear it goes, I bought a MSI GTX 750 Ti(single fan), just got it today and when I went to install it, the hard drive was in the way preventing the card from being installed, so I fixed that by moving the hard drive to the 2.5" drive slot, and now after solving the hard drive problem, I'm having a problem with the front panel usb cable/ribbon(cable connected to the blue USB1 hub), had to disconnect it from the mother board just to get the graphics card installed. The graphics card is working perfectly, but not my front usb ports as the cabel is disconnected from the motherbard. Would a PCI Express USB Controller card with a fron panel connector posibbly work?