Aspire One AO533 Recovery Disk



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>The CLI pisses me off because of having to search for and remember commands when they are required. >>>


    Heh-heh. The proprietary GUIs sorta do that for me even more. An example. Have you ever needed control panel to do something that either didn't seem to be available or unreasonably hard to find via GUI? And you just know or have a strong gut feeling that there must be a switch to do it. Well, there usually is. But not as well documented as open source stuff. Jack E/NJ              

    Jack E/NJ

  • henman
    henman Member Posts: 52 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Fine and dandy on the CLI but if you cannot find or even remember the required command, the CLI is totally useless and many will agree here!! When you need it for many reasons that is archaic IMHO. I can see using it for a difficult driver comfiguration but when I download software and end up just sitting there looking at it because I don't know what to do I might as well have a picture of my desktop hanging on the wall. Like I mentioned I quit using it in 2006 roughly the period of my Ubuntu 5.10 and now it is 2017 and nothing has changed with the exception of the 5.10 is no longer supported and since the introduction of I believe that ***** is the Unity Kernel (with the picture of the keyboard? beside the circle with a person inside on the bottom of the desktop and by the way that circle represents how I feel with the CLI) my cursor disappeared and during installation the cursor doesn't appear making it useless. I tried Zorin, Ubuntu, Linuxmint( took over 10 minutes for a barely visible dim desktop to appear>rest button pushed!!!)and Robolinux and during the live version the cursor wasn't there but figured lets install it. During install the cursor appeared giving me hope. It finally installed with very good graphics but again we have a picture for on the wall with no cursor. Ask for help on this on Ununtu and Zorin forums?? They are either full of themselves saying my hardware is too old or just don't know. Then I mentioned the older versions work so why can I not upgrade with hopefully the drivers of the older version being carried over. Answer.........the older version is no longer supported. My answer is keep reminding me how good this OS is with lame answers like this to a possibly small problem and oh yes there are lots of us with the same cursor problem. Meanwhile Hackintosh shows how easy it is to install in my Dull Dementia 4600 from possibly 2003 as if it was meant to be installed in it.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>Fine and dandy on the CLI but if you cannot find or even remember the required command, the CLI is totally useless and many will agree here!! >>>


    Well, yes, I suppose remembering commands is more of an issue for me now. But I like to think it's more due to lack of use than dementia though. The manpages or /help & /?  switches still seem to work pretty good for me. Most of my GUI issues have been with screen busy-ness, icon overuse & excessive reliance on submenus.  Jack E/NJ   

    Jack E/NJ

  • henman
    henman Member Posts: 52 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Now comes the daunting task of installing all of those updates. This has been dragging on for hours and so far just from that and perhaps Windows system restore I have 36gb on my drive now making me think I would be better off with an external drive and cloning software and shouting of the system restore but of course without any viruses but that would probably corrupt system restore as well. Meanwhile a "special" version of 10.5.5 is on my Dull waiting to be burned to a disk or USB. Perhaps a mistake compared to Linux (but OS10 and Linux are both UNIX based anyway) but in my defense finding a directory of commands for the CLI doesn't seem to be an easy thing to find. If that was the case I could just scroll through it for the commands. If that becomes available I will use an earlier version than Unity because of the cursor problem. Probably nothing more than a driver issue prob the chipset or motherboard driver and a Google search will reveal quite a few have this problem. If the hardware works why would I throw it out. Kind of like my Aspire which still looks like brand new. Perhaps Linpus Lite on an external. There are complaints about it with numerous inquiries on how to get rid of it and install Windows on the Acer. Jack if you ever saw it which you prob have, one desktop is full simple GUI with the option of clicking a small icon down below to switch to a regular Linux desktop. It might be the answer to get over the hump or learning curve because Windows options are running out other than trying 10 on this Acer AO533
  • henman
    henman Member Posts: 52 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    did you ever attempt an 8gb shtick in your box? BTW after this latest Intel fiasco congrats on having an AMD. As for my Atombomb N455 according to Intel it also supports 64 bit OS as well. I guess I will look at the module I swapped out and order a 4 and an 8 as well incase the 8 doesn't work.