Annoying AC adapter beep on R5-471t

starch Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

My laptop makes an annoying beep each time I plug in/remove the AC adapter.  Since I spend a lot of time with my laptop on my couch, it's constantly being jostled, such that it frequently disconnects temporarily and then reconnects, which means that I hear this beep *a lot.*


The volume level of the beep seems to related to the volume settings on my laptop, but it's not a sound effect, and the beep seems to be coming from inside.  If I mute all my volume settings I don't hear it, but then I obviously don't hear anything else, which is problematic if I'm listening to a podcast or watching a video.


I'm looking for a way to disable this beep altogether, but I can't find any way to disable internal beeps in Windows 10.  I see a few other people have had this problem online, but all the solutions I can find involve earlier versions of Windows and menu options which I don't have.  Any help?


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    I am not sure this will resolve your problem but worth a try, go to Sounds(right click speaker icon in Taskbar), in Sound tab, select sound scheme,highlight "Device connect" and change to No sound with drop down menu. You could try different settings in that window but make sure to make note of original settting.


  • dak2014
    dak2014 Member Posts: 75 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    I have the same problem with the R5 571TG. Brummer that is not what he meant. He means a sound outside of windows meaning that its coming from the computer or somewhere i dont know. Its a beep everytime you plug it in and out.